Sunday, November 18, 2007

Reminder From Fr. Robert Fox: Thanksgiving is not the Beginning of the Christmas Season

THANKSGIVING is a great family feast and time to thank God for His many blessings. But it is NOT the beginning of the liturgical Christmas season. In fact the Christmas season for the Church and all devout Catholics does not begin until Christmas Eve. THEN IT CONTINUES THROUGH EPIPHANY, Jan. 6, 2008 this year, unto the Baptism of Christ; then back into Ordinary time for a few weeks - until Lent. Advent ( begins evening of Dec. 1 this year ) and is the time to prepare during 4 weeks for the CHRISTMAS SEASON, the birth of Jesus Christ; the Incarnation. A SPIRITUALLY AWESOME TIME. Let us celebrate THE GREAT CHRISTIAN FEASTS AND SEASONS WITH THE CHURCH in our domestic churches, our families. Follow the Church; not the commercial world and consumerism. Prepare for Christ’s birthday during Advent, day by day FOR 4 WEEKS.
Advent: Not Thanksgiving - Real Christmas Season


Mimi said...

Advent starts for us on November 15. Someday, I'd like to live somewhere where we celebrate Christmas properly, but it is certainly not modern America.

May you have a blessed and fruitful Advent season!

EC Gefroh said...

Thank you Mimi, you too!

Jean Heimann said...

This post is very meaningful, Esther! I hope that many people will read this.

It's so sad how people view Christmas. I saw a (Catholic neighbor) put up lights on his house last week and it stays warm here for a long time.

Today we got an email from a close relative who spelled Christmas as Xmas!

I just wish that more people would celebrate Christmas the way it should be celebrated.

Thanks for the post!

EC Gefroh said...

Jean, today we received our first Christmas card.