Shared by Sue
Saturday, January 24, 2009
7 Things Teenage Boys Most Need

Legionary of Christ Father Michael Sliney suggests the following seven necessities for parents of adolescent boys:read the rest here
1. Clear guidelines with reasonable consequences from a unified front; cutting slack but also holding boys accountable for their actions.
2. Reasonable explanations for the criteria, guidelines and decisions made by parents.
3. Avoiding hyper-analysis of boys' emotions and states of mind: avoiding "taking their temperature" too often.
4. Unconditional love with an emphasis on character and effort more than outcome: Encourage boys to live up to their potential while having reasonable expectations. To love them regardless of whether they make it into Harvard or become a star quarterback.
5. Authenticity, faith and fidelity should be reflected in parent's lifestyles.
6. Qualities of a dad: Manliness, temperance, making significant time for family, putting aside work, and being a reliable source of guidance.
7. Qualities of a mom: Emotional stability, selflessness, loving service and extreme patience.
Saintly Quote - How God Answers Our Prayers

When we pray for temporal favors, God will give what we ask, or something more useful. He will grant us the grace which we desire, whenever it is profitable to our souls; or he will give us a more useful grace, such as the grace to resign ourselves to the divine will and to suffer with patience our tribulations, which shall merit a great increase of glory in Heaven.
St. Alphonsus Liguori
Shared by Half the Kingdom
Feast of St. Francis de Sales
“Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.”
Happy 18th Birthday to our Dear Son Joey
Friday, January 23, 2009
Highlights from Hawaii Rally and March for Life 2009

We had the biggest crowd yet at yesterday's Hawaii March for Life. My family and I have been attending for over 10 years now so I can personally attest to the growth. Joey was responsible for taking the photos for Hawaii Right to Life so there aren't any family photos available for me to share with you.
The young people were very enthusiastic in shouting out for life! If there were any counter-protestors present this year, these young pro-lifers probably drowned them out.
It's a shame that our local media chose to ignore the rally and march for life.
More photos will be posted later at the Hawaii Right to Life blog.
Fine Art Friday - Women Artist Series - Bessie Pease Gutmann

I am sure many of you are familiar with this artist's work even though to some her name may not be a household word. Bessie Pease Gutmann has delighted people with her beautiful and soft quality works of children. Here are just a few samplings of her art.
Her first work of illustration was the children's book was A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson in 1905. One of her more famous illustrations was the ones in the 1907 version of Carroll Lewis's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland,
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Saintly Quote - Doing Something Great for God

A man approached Mother Teresa and said,
"Mother, I want to do something great for God, but I don't know what. Should I start a school, be a missionary in a foreign land, build up a charitable agency?"
He had great visions. Mother Teresa looked at him closely, with kindness, and responded:
"What you need to do is make sure that no one in your family goes unloved."
"Mother, I want to do something great for God, but I don't know what. Should I start a school, be a missionary in a foreign land, build up a charitable agency?"
He had great visions. Mother Teresa looked at him closely, with kindness, and responded:
"What you need to do is make sure that no one in your family goes unloved."
Shared by Sue
Act Of Hope Before Holy Communion

O Christ Jesus, I am sinful dust and ashes,
but Thou callest to Thee all who labour and are burdened,
that Thou mayest refresh them.
Art not Thou my refuge?
To whom else shall I go?
Thou hast the words of eternal life,
Thou alone canst comfort me in every trouble.
Lord, I am weak and sick,
but Thou art my salvation.
Those who are well need not a physician,
but those who are sick.
Therefore I come to Thee,
my physician and my refuge,
hoping that this Communion may be to me
the increase of Faith, Hope, and Charity;
a firm defence against the snares of my enemies;
a help to the removal of the fault and defect of
(Mention your faults here...),
and to the bringing forth of works well pleasing unto Thee,
and a pledge of future glory.
This is the hope and desire which I cherish in my heart,
for Thou art compassionate and of tender mercy,
and in all Thy promises most faithful.
Shared by ">Sue
Prayer for the Pope

GOD, THE Shepherd and Ruler of all Thy faithful people, mercifully look upon Thy servant Benedict, whom Thou hast chosen as the chief Shepherd to preside over Thy Church; grant him, we beseech Thee, so to edify, both by word and example, those over whom he hath charge, that he may attain unto everlasting life, together with the flock committed unto him.
Through Christ our Lord.
from the Roman Missal
Shared by Sue
Homeschoolers - Call for Catholic Children's Poetry
I received the following email:
Good afternoon,
...Based on a workshop I put together for Milwaukee area homeschoolers last summer, I recently launched Signs & Wonders: A Young Catholics' Poetry Journal as a non-profit way to give children from 5 -18 an outlet to publish and read poetry by others who share our faith. My team and I have gotten a great response from the first issue, and we want to keep that momentum going. Please take a look at the attached flyer with more details, and post/pass this information along to parents, teachers, or students who might be interested.
The next deadline for poetry submissions is January 30.
Also, if you have additional ideas for helping us get the word out about the journal, we'd love to hear them!
Blessings and peace,
Erik Richardson, Editor
(and former homeschooling dad)
Announcing the call for submissions for the next issue of . . .
Signs & Wonders
Launched by a Milwaukee Catholic school teacher and poet, Signs & Wonders gives young people of different ages a chance to read the work of other young people who share their same values and an opportunity to have their own work published.
As Gerard Manley Hopkins expressed it, "The world is charged with the grandeur of God." That idea captures the spirit behind the poetry journal and is reflected in the journal's name. Our talented young writers should be looking for the many ways—large and small—that the world around us gives glimpses of grace.
The poetry will be selected for publication according to age categories to provide for differences in experience and ability.
Submission Deadline:
In order to be eligible for the next issue, poems must be received by January 30, 2009.
Submission Guidelines:
• Poetry should be free verse form (not rhymed, not formally metered, etc.).
• There is a limit of 20 lines per poem, and you may submit from 1 to 3 poems.
• The author's name and age should be included on each page.
• We accept both e-mail and snail mail submissions. For snail mail, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope to receive a reply.
• The poems should fit in with the spirit of the journal mentioned above.
• The author will retain copyrights to his/her work, while Signs & Wonders will have first publication rights as well as use of the poems for promoting the journal (and possible posting to the journal's future website).
• Send submissions to:
E. Richardson, Editor
3225 N. 91st Street
Milwaukee, WI 53222
Saintly Quote - On the Sanctity of Life

The common outcry; which is justly made on behalf of human rights - for example, the right to health, to home, to work, to family, to culture - is false and illusory if the right to life, the most basic and fundamental right and the condition for all other personal rights is not defended wtih maximum determination.
- Pope John Paul II
Magnificat January 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Saintly Quote - Surrendering to God's Will
They deceive themselves who believe that union with God consists in ecstasies or raptures, and in the enjoyment of Him. For it consists in nothing except the surrender and subjection of our will - with our thoughts, words and actions - to the will of God....
St. Teresa of Avila RCAV 20.10.06
Shared by Sue

Photo by Esther
How wonderful is the silence of Christ in the Tabernacle
Silence is the greatest lesson ever preached
Silence under irritation:
Silence under criticism:
Silence under disappointment:
Silence when rebuffed:
Silence under ingratitude:
Silence under jealousy in oneself:
Silence under the jealousy of others:
Silence under disloyalty:
Silence when self-pleased:
Silence in sorrows of all kinds.
No practice seems of more value than silence.
It gives the impression of latent force.
It wins confidence.
It secures deference.
A judicious reserve clothes a person with an air of mystery,
often the most interesting aspect of personality.
SILENCE has also a positive quality in forebearance.
There are forbearances of speech that constitute most effective replies;
which work persuasion that a torrent of eloquence cannot accomplish.
Shared by Sue
Saintly Quote - Modesty
If you wish to prevent all evil thoughts, let your eyes be modestly reserved, and make a league with them never to desire to look upon anything which is not permitted you to desire.
St. Gregory of Nyssa
Shared by Sue
On Family Life - Zenit Articles
Familes, the Crisis and the Church in America
Cardinal Bertone's Homily at Close of Family Meeting: "Love Your Children and Make Them Feel That They Are Loved"
Society's Future Depends on the Family:Interview With Supreme Knight Carl Anderson
Papal Address to Family Meeting:
"It Is in the Home Where One Learns to Truly Live"
Pope's Presence Missed at Family Meeting
Benedict XVI Calls Families to Unite:
Says They Must Mobilize to Influence Culture
Families Key in "Edu-Communication":
Archbishop Celli Says It's Responsibility of Parents
Milan to Host World Family Meeting 2012:Under Theme "Family, Work and Celebration"
Generation Gap Is Not Inevitable:
Parents Urged to Take Charge of Educating Children
Expert: African Culture Backs Family Educative Role:Urges Participation of Catholics in Shaping Cultural Framework
Africa Perspective on Families
Anderson: Solidarity Not Just Another Virtue:Says It's Fundamental Element of Family
Families That Eat Together, Stay Together
First Fruits of Family Meeting
What Would Make Society Fall:Social Scientist Explains World's Total Dependence on Families
Sex Education Best Kept at Home
Pope Notes Wish for Mexico Event to Renew Family:Asks Prayers for 6th World Meeting
What Parents of Sick Children Need Most:Couple Tells of Cure Through Intercession of Martin Spouses
Families Praying for Families
Alvaré Address at Family Conference
Alvaré at Family Conference:"The Family Provides Ample Homework on the Give and Take of Love"
Alvaré: Family Is a School of Love:Says Respect for Life Begins at Home
Cardinal: Laws Reflect Confusion About Man, Woman:Canadian Prelate Addresses Family Conference
Saying Yes to Life -- 19 Times (Part 1)
Saying Yes to Life -- 19 Times (Part 2):Interview on Parenting a Large Catholic Family
The Ladies of Cecilia - Prolife

Shared by a fellow parishioner.
Pro-life song "Let Me Be Born" to be sung at March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Ladies of Cecilia
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