H/T to Cy of Therese's Roses. Mahalo for pointing out the great videos on the Diocesan website!
Words and Music by Patrick Downes The Editor of the Hawaii Catholic Herald and arrangements by Robert M. Mondoy.
Sung by Alika of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace Choir.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Our Lady of Saturday
Friday, October 26, 2007
Vocation Video: Fisher of Men Wins Award
"The Priesthood is tough...It's for real men..." John Cardinal O'Connor
"The U.S. bishops' video promoting priestly vocations -- called by one viewer "the best look at the priesthood I have ever seen on film" -- was named winner of the Gabriel Award. Zenit Article
"Fishers of Men," an 18-minute DVD that is part of a vocational recruitment project launched last year by the U.S. episcopal conference, received today the Gabriel Award in California, given by the Catholic Academy for Communication Arts Professionals..."
My original post
In Preparation for the Month of November

which is traditionally dedicated to the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
At the Church where I attend daily Mass, there is a binder already available for us to note our deceased loved ones' names. At our home parish, we were asked to submit names of any loved ones who have passed away in the past year. On All Soul's Day, a Mass will be celebrated and we get to light candles for them.
My friend Mary Ann emailed me the link to the updated blog Friends of the Poor Souls The following excerpts are from the November/December Newsletter:
The Dogma of Purgatory is too much forgotten by the majority of the faithful. This truly deplorable forgetfulness was a great sorrow to St. Francis de Sales. This pious doctor of the Church said, "We do not sufficiently remember our dear departed; their memory seems to perish with the sound of the funeral bells." The principle causes of this are ignorance and lack of faith; our notions on the subject of Purgatory are too vague, our faith is too feeble...
Visit to a CemeteryBe sure to visit their blog for more details on helping the Poor Souls.
Visit to a Church or Oratory on All Souls Day [November 2]
Keep mind, that Masses said during a person's life are MORE powerful than those said after they have passed away.
Another reminder, your venial sins are wiped away with each time you attend Holy Mass devoutly and reverently and receive Holy Communion.
Another Holy tip :-) You can offer your Holy Communion for someone else to benefit from it.
Praying for Our Priests

The following was also shared by Denise:
Keep them, I pray Thee, dearest Lord,
Keep them, for they are Thine -
Thy priests whose lives burn out before
Thy consecrated shrine.
Keep them, for they are in the world,
Though from the world apart;
When earthly pleasures tempt, allure, -
Shelter them in Thy heart.
Keep them, and comfort them in hours
Of loneliness and pain,
When all their life of sacrifice
For souls seems but in vain.
Keep them, and O remember, Lord,
They have no one but Thee,
Yet they have only human hearts,
With human frailty.
Keep them as spotless as the Host.
That daily they caress;
Their every thought and word and deed,
Deign, dearest Lord, to bless.
Imprimatur: +D. Card. Dougherty, Arch. of Philadelphia
Our Father Hail Mary Mary, Queen of the Clergy, pray for them.
"Jesus, Mary, I love You, Save Souls."
Our Lord's revelations to Mutter Vogel
"One should NEVER attack a priest, even when he's in error, rather one should pray and do penance that I'll grant him My grace again. He alone fully represents Me, even when he doesn't live after My example!" (page 29, Mutter Vogel's Worldwide Love, St. Grignion Publishing House, Altoting, South Germany (29. 6. 1929)).
When a Priest falls we should extend him a helping hand THROUGH PRAYER AND NOT THROUGH ATTACKS! "I myself will be his judge, NO ONE BUT I!" "Whoever voices judgment over a priest has voiced it over Me; child, never let a Priest be attacked, take up his defense." (Feast of Christ the King 1937) "Child, Never judge your confessor, rather pray much for him and offer every Thursday, through the hands of My blessed Mother, Holy Communion (for Him) (18.6. 1939)&nsp; "Never again accept an out-of-the-way word about a Priest, and speak no unkind word (about them) EVEN IF IT WERE TRUE! Every Priest is My Vicar and My heart will be sickened and insulted because of it! If you hear a judgment (against a Priest) pray a Hail Mary." (28. 6. 1939)
"If you see a Priest who celebrates the Holy Mass unworthily then say nothing about him, rather tell it to Me alone! I stand beside him on the altar!" "Oh pray much for My priests, that they'll love purity above all, that they'll celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with pure hands and heart. Certainly the Holy Sacrifice is one and the same even when it is celebrated by an unworthy priest, but the graces called down upon the people is not the same!" (28. 2. 1938)
Mary. Queen of the Clergy, pray for them.
Under the section: #36 The Priesthood
Saint JoseMaria Escrivá - On Priests

My friend Denise emailed me the following: The bold emphasis was added by me. I believe I have posted this previously, maybe in the Summer when I visited my parents and read The Way there but it is always a good reminder.
A Priest — whoever he may be — is always another Christ
Though you well know it, I shall remind you again that a Priest is 'another Christ'. And that the holy Spirit has said: 'Nolite tangere Christos meos — do not touch my Christs'
Presbyter — Priest — means, literally, an elderly man. If old age deserves veneration, think how much more you ought to venerate the Priesthood
It shows very little refinement — and great lack of respect — to make fun of a Priest, whoever he is, and whatever the pretext!
Don't place a Priest in peril of losing his dignity. It is a virtue which, without being pompous, he simply must have.
How that young cleric — a friend of ours — prayed for it: 'Lord, grant me... eighty years of dignity!'
Pray for it for the whole Priesthood, and you will have done a good thing
It cut you to the heart to hear people say that you had spoken badly of those Priests. And I am glad that it hurt: for now I am sure you have the right spirit!
To love God and not venerate his Priests... is not possible.
Like the good sons of Noah, throw the mantle of charity over the defects you see in your father, the Priest.
You can check them out at: Escrivá Works
Then click onto The Way and you can go to the contents.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Another Question
Here's another question for you:
Is it wrong to choose not to judge or criticize a bishop's apparent wrongdoings, etc.
My very good friend and I get along very well(obviously, otherwise we wouldn't be friends ;-) until something like what happened recently in SF comes up in conversation. Then we part ways.
We don't stop being friends but the conversation comes to a dead stop.
Is it wrong to choose not to judge or criticize a bishop's apparent wrongdoings, etc.
My very good friend and I get along very well(obviously, otherwise we wouldn't be friends ;-) until something like what happened recently in SF comes up in conversation. Then we part ways.
We don't stop being friends but the conversation comes to a dead stop.
Why are the Converts treated this way?
Both of the following were written by Marie, a convert Catholic, and a very fine Catholic at that!
Why I Stayed: A Catholic Conversion
No Converts Please, We're Catholic
Both of the following were written by Marie, a convert Catholic, and a very fine Catholic at that!
Why I Stayed: A Catholic Conversion
No Converts Please, We're Catholic
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Thanks to Sue C. for sharing the following article:
Saudi Arabia has launched a crackdown on Christian activists amid heightened Islamic unrest in the kingdom. Christian sources in the kingdom said at least 15 Christians from Africa have been arrested in Jedda over the last few months for conducting non-Islamic services in private homes. Three of them are said to have been tortured in prison.ARTICLE
A Special Prayer Request for Christians in Saudi Arabia
I received the following email yesterday from someone in one of my Catholic e-groups:
Dear Priests and Prayer Warriors,
I am from India and currently working in Saudi Arabia. I am a silent member of this group for the last one and a half years. I used to read all mails and greatly benefited by each one.
As most of you are aware of, Saudi Arabia is one of those countries with no religious freedom. The official religion of the country is Islam. Public practices of all other religions are strictly prohibited. Even private practices were considered as criminal offence in earlier days. By Our Lords Grace, now private practices are allowed.
Before the Mohammedans conquered this part of the Middle East, Saudi Arabia was a Christian nation. Apostle Paul passed through his mission trips and converted the gentiles here to Christianity. When the Mohammedans conquered, they forced the Christians to convert to Islam and it is believed that there was more than 30,000 Christians were beheaded or set to fire for their belief in Christ. Now these martyrs are the chief intercessors for this country.
The country is dedicated to the Patronage on Our Lady of Rosary of Fatima. We all are aware of the conversion of Russia and Poland, when consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. On those footsteps, we, Jesus Youth KSA, decided to dedicate 100,000 Rosaries by 2008 Easter, for the conversion of this Country. We request for your prayers for the success of this project. We request your earnest help in mobilizing these much Rosaries for this intension. I know I am asking too much, but will you be able to pray an extra rosary everyday for this special intension and / or get help from others in doing so. Those of you who are willing to take a commitment, please let me know, so that we can make sure that we achieved the target in time.
I am sending this as a very special personal request to all of you as we can’t do it publicly because of media censorship.
Dear Prayer warriors try to be part of this great program as much as you can. If anyone can offer fasting, other prayers for this intension, will be greatly appreciated.
Waiting for your confirmations!
God Bless
Love & Prayers
Thanks & Best Regards
Francis Mathew
Got Something Nice to Say About a Priest?
Fr. Pavone would like you to share your story at the Priests for Life website.
Dear Esther,
Where would we be without faithful pastors, priests and preachers? And how much more could we get done if we had a multitude more of holy and zealous shepherds of souls?
Every year, thanks to an organization called Serra International, the last Sunday of October is designated as "Priesthood Sunday." People are invited to pray for their priests and to honor them in various ways.
At Priests for Life, we have decided to observe this day by having a novena for priests, starting this Friday, October 19. Go to www.priestsforlife.org, and you'll see the link at which you can download the special prayer.
When you do so, you will also have the opportunity to send me:
a) Your prayer intentions. What priests should we pray for in a special way? Are there some who have health problems; are there others who need a special dose of courage?
b) Your stories. Tell me about your favorite priest, or how a priest or pastor inspired and strengthened you in your own walk with the Lord...Blessings and prayers,
Fr. Frank Pavone, M.E.V.
National Director, Priests for Life
Monday, October 22, 2007
Blessed Damien Update
As promised:

Today at morning Mass, Fr. Dave told us that on Friday, prior to the Mass for Fr. Bill Mattimore who recently passed away, Bishop Silva announced that a second miracle attributed to Fr. Damien, had been confirmed! No other details where given. If I find out anything I will let you know.
Please continue to pray to Blessed Damien and for his canonization.
Blessed Father Damien of Moloka'i, pray for us.

Today at morning Mass, Fr. Dave told us that on Friday, prior to the Mass for Fr. Bill Mattimore who recently passed away, Bishop Silva announced that a second miracle attributed to Fr. Damien, had been confirmed! No other details where given. If I find out anything I will let you know.
Please continue to pray to Blessed Damien and for his canonization.
Blessed Father Damien of Moloka'i, pray for us.
One of the Heroes of the Holocaust

Irena Sendler is a 97-year-old Polish woman who saved 2,500 Jewish children during the Holocaust.She was considered to be another Oskar Schindler who saved 1000 Jews.
Irena's Children
Sunday, October 21, 2007
12 myths every Catholic should be able to expose
I finally got around to adding Crisis Magazine Online to my side bar. I thought posting the following from them would be a good refresher:
If you need help answering any of the above, it may be time to register to receive their e-letter.
Click HERE to subscribe to their free e-letter.
1. Christianity is no better than any other faith. All religions lead to God.
2. Why should I believe the Bible? The Old and New Testaments contradict each other countless times.
3. I don’t need to confess my sins to a priest. I can go straight to God.
4. People’s memories of their past lives prove that reincarnation is true...and that the Christian view of Heaven and Hell is not.
5. Properly interpreted, the Bible does not condemn homosexuality.
6. If the Church truly followed Jesus, they’d sell their lavish art, property, and architecture, and give the money to the poor.
7. Catholics should follow their conscience in all things...whether it’s abortion, birth control, or women’s ordination.
8. Dissent is actually a good thing, since we should all keep our minds open to new ideas.
9. There’s no such thing as absolute truth. What’s true for you may not be true for me.
10. I don’t need to go to Church. As long as I’m a good person, that’s all that really matters.
11. Natural Family Planning is just the Catholic version of birth control.
12. Someone can be pro-choice and Catholic at the same time.
If you need help answering any of the above, it may be time to register to receive their e-letter.
Click HERE to subscribe to their free e-letter.
Trust in God

Taken from My Daily Bread, Confraternity of the Precious Blood
"...To neglect Me is to neglect Him Whom you need most and Who loves you most. When you trust in humans without considering My place in your life, you are building on sand. All intelligence, strength, and every good thing are My gifts. Without these gifts you are nothing, and your life is a wasted effort.THINK:
Your human friends can fail you , at least by the inability to help you in all things...
Humans are so often fooled by appearances. Some people are impressed only visible results. Their praise is worthless because they fail to see the inner goodness of others. Or again, they do not realize how brief are the trials and joys of this present life. Am I that shallow or do I try to follow God's way of thinking? Is my trust in Him shaken by the judgments of worldly-minded people? It is never God Who lets me down, but it is I who fail Him. I refuse to trust in Him completely by letting Him govern my daily life as He wishes. As a result I find myself slipping or failing in life's greatest achievement-the daily battle for goodness and holiness.PRAY:
My God, what great folly is there than to think that I can manage my daily life without Your guidance and assistance? Yet, on many occasions I do just that. I go about my business without consult You. You are my surest refuge and my glory, my hope and all-powerful Helper. Without You I am truly nothing, and my life is a wasted effort. Only with Your help can I hope to reach Heaven's eternal success. Let me never again waver in my confidence. No person, no thin, no event will ever again shake my trust in You. I shall esteem my friends for what they are worth, but never will I think more of them than of You . My loyalty shall be first to Your holy Will and then to all others. Amen.
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