"In August of A.D. 258, the emperor Valerian ordered that all deacons, priests, and Bishops be put to death. Tradition via the Golden Legend tells us that Pope Sixtus II met with Lawrence, saying to him:As you may know, Pope Sixtus was martyred a few days before Lawrence was. He was given a few extras days to bring emperor Valerian all of the Church's treasures. It was a few days following Pope Sixtus' martyrdom that Lawrence brought the poor people to the emperor and presented them as the Church's treasures. Valerian then had Lawrence burned on a gridiron.
"I shall not leave thee, my son, but greater strifes and battles be due to thee for the faith of Jesus Christ. We, as old men, have taken more lighter battle, and to thee as to a young man shall remain a more glorious battle of which thou shalt triumph and have victory of the tyrant, and shalt follow me within three days."
Then he delivered to him all the treasures, commanding him that he should give them to churches and poor people. And the blessed man sought the poor people night and day, and gave to each of them that as was needful, and came to the house of an old woman, which had hid in her house many Christian men and women, and long she had had the headache, and St. Laurence laid his hand upon her head, and anon she was healed of the ache and pain". Source:Fisheaters
Lawrence replied that the Church was indeed rich. “I will show you a valuable part. But give me time to set everything in order and make an inventory.” After three days he gathered a great number of blind, lame, maimed, leprous, orphaned and widowed persons and put them in rows. When the prefect arrived, Lawrence simply said, “These are the treasure of the Church.”Source: Saint of the Day
"I had given up practising my Jewish religion when I was a 14-year-old girl and did not begin to feel Jewish again until I had returned to God".
"My longing for truth was a single prayer".
"As for what concerns our relations with our fellow men, the anguish in our neighbor's soul must break all precept. All that we do is a means to an end, but love is an end in itself, because God is love".
"Who can sleep on the night that God became man?"
The Hawai'i State Art Museum will host a family fun day on Saturday, with free tours and sessions on jewelry making and portrait drawing.
The art activities run from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Participants will make a beaded bracelet and learn how to make simple, life-like portraits at no cost. The museum is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
For more information, call 586-0304.
The School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST) at the University of Hawaii at Manoa is pleased to announce that the 9th SOEST Open House will be held on October 19th and 20th, 2007. On behalf of the Dean of SOEST and the Open House Planning Committee, we would like to invite you to attend this year’s Open House.For more information check out SOEST Open House
The Feast of Transfiguration is observed on August 6. This foretells the glory of the Lord as God, and His Ascension into heaven. It anticipates the glory of heaven, where we shall see God face to face. Through grace, we already share in the divine promise of eternal life. As we celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration we are reminded on Christ who was beginning to teach his disciples that He must die and rise again. Jesus revealed Himself in shining splendor to Peter, James and John. Moses and Elijah were present and are taken to signify that the Law and the Prophets testify Jesus is the promised Messiah. During this glorious event, God the Father also proclaimed Jesus as such by saying, “This is my Beloved Son. Listen to him."Prayer
The purpose of the Transfiguration was to encourage and strengthen the Apostles who were depressed by their Master's prediction of His own Passion and Death. The Apostles were made to understand that His redeeming work has two phases: The Cross, and glory—that we shall be glorified with Him only if we first suffer with Him. Hence, the Feast of Transfiguration has a profound and sublime lesson for all times, and for Christians of all sorts and conditions. In this earthly life we must not expect every hour to offer us joy, pleasures and glory, even if we seek these with an honest and legitimate purpose.
Dear Esther,
Just a quick reminder...
With just one day left before registrations begin for 40 Days for Life, the national coordinators are asking you -- and other believers in your
community and across the country -- to join together in a nationwide day of prayer and fasting TODAY, Monday, August 6.
Realizing that 164 cities and towns in 43 states are actively considering joining this historic campaign, it's vital that we all get down on our
knees and turn this entire effort over to God.
Please spread the word and ask others to join you in seeking God's will for our nation, for your community's involvement in 40 Days for Life, and
for each person's unique role in this effort.
Yours In Christ,
40 Days for Life
National Coordination Team
Lord, no matter how unworthy I may feel, I hope to be with You in Heaven some day. I place all of my hope in You, relying on Your goodness, wisdom and love.From My Daily Bread, Confraternity of the Precious Blood
Help me to prove this hope by a loyal following of Your holy Will in all that happens to me today. I will deal with all things and events as You desire; that is without pride, impatience, or any other form of selfishness. I will use whatever I need with the intention of pleasing You rather than pleasing myself alone.
In my use of earthly remedies, I will not forget that Your holy Will is still governing every move I make. Never will You abandon my hopes. Do with me as You see fit, since no one knows and seeks my welfare more than You. Amen.