The 3 o'clock Prayer
You expired, O Jesus,
but the source of life gushed forth for souls
and an ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world.
O Fount of Life,
unfathomable Divine Mercy,
envelop the whole world
and empty Yourself out upon us.
O Blood and Water,
which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus
as a fount of mercy for us,
I trust in You.
The following is from St. Michael's Center for the Blessed Virgin Mary Please visit their site for more details.
Canon Ignacy Rozycri, Doctor of Dogmatic Theology appointed by Pope John Paul II to examine the revelations to Blessed Faustina, came to the conclusion that the extraordinary grace promised by Jesus on the Feast of Mercy is a gift of grace equalled only by the grace of Holy Baptism. This means that on this day your soul can be renewed as on the day of baptism, so that if you died immediately after receiving this grace you would go straight to heaven with no purgatory to serve at all. (In other words, so far as that matter is concerned He raised it (the Holy Communion on the Feast of Mercy) to the rank of a "second Baptism". "The soul that will go to confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment" (II.138).
Jesus asked that the Feast of the Divine Mercy be preceded by a Novena to the Divine Mercy which would begin on Good Friday. He gave St. Faustina an intention to pray for on each day of the Novena, saving for the last day the most difficult intention of all, the lukewarm and indifferent of whom He said:
"These souls cause Me more suffering than any others; it was from such souls that My soul felt the most revulsion in the Garden of Olives. It was on their account that I said: 'My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass Me by.' The last hope of salvation for them is to flee to My Mercy."
In her diary, St. Faustina wrote that Jesus told her:
"On each day of the novena you will bring to My heart a different group of souls and you will immerse them in this ocean of My mercy ... On each day you will beg My Father, on the strength of My passion, for the graces for these souls."
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