Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation!
Oh! how great is the priest. The priest will only be understood in heaven. Were he understood on earth, people would die, not of fear, but of love.St. John Vianney
Hello to all!
Have you heard the good news about the Seraphim singing group? The Seraphim are three Catholic sisters who sing together Catholic hymns, Christmas carols, and fun barbershop songs. They have a new CD out with some of the best loved Marian hymns! The sisters' letter to you is found below! Enjoy!
In Jesus and Mary,
Bernadette and Rebekah Fox
The Seraphim's letter:
Hello,We hope this e-mail finds you and your family doing well.We are excited to announce our NEW CD and are pleased to offer"Hail,Queen of Heaven" to you with an introductory price of only$14.00.........and FREE shipping.A selection of some of the most beautiful hymns ever written, honoringMary, the Mother of God, as sung by Seraphim - The angelic voices ofChrista, Lisa and Theresa Hanson1. Ave Maria (Gregorian)2.
Hail, Queen of Heaven3. Sing, Sing, Ye Angel Bands4. Immaculate Mary5. Mother Mary, At Thine Altar6. On This Day, O Beautiful Mother7. Salve Regina8. Hail, Queen of the Heavens9. O Sanctissima10. Mother Dear, O Pray for Me11. Daily, Daily, Sing to Mary12. Hail, Holy QueenIf you would like to SEE Seraphim sing two songs from the album, youcan. They're on YOUTUBE.com!!!Click on the following links to view the videos or find them on our website.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DO6ex2Vj3yw - Ave Maria (Gregorian)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZH-v7_5Hhk - Sing, Sing, Ye Angels BandsHope you enjoy them!For sound
samples and a complete list of our available cds, visit ourwebsite at www.seraphim.ws and please consider our cds when choosinggifts for Christmas giving.Call, e-mail or write to us now to place your order. This limitedoffer expires 10/31/07If you know others who might enjoy Seraphim's music, please pass thison to them.Thank you very much, we appreciate your support.Sincerely,Seraphim andThe Hanson Family Singerswww.hansonfamilysingers.comhansonfamilysingers@hotmail.com541 935-6315 or 1 877 426-7661
Within the conjugal and family communion-community, the man is called upon to live his gift and role as husband and father. With his wife a man should live a very special form of personal friendship. As for the Christian, he is called upon to develop a new attitude of love, manifesting towards his wife a charity that is both gentle and strong like that which Christ has for the Church.Pope John Paul II (November 22, 1981)
Honolulu, HI (LifeNews.com) -- A Hawaii state legislator plans to propose a bill he says will help protect pregnant women who are victims of violence there. However, pro-life advocates say the bill won't protect women properly because it fails to acknowledge the death of or injury to their unborn child and punish criminals for the attack on the baby.ARTICLE FROM LIFENEWS.COM
"The Admirable Heart of Mary by St. John Eudes is the first complete work ever to be published on the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary..." It was published in 1948 and has a foreword by The Most Reverend Richard J. Cushing.Peter had a first edition of the Sheen book but I bought the less expensive hardcover book. Both books arrived in excellent condition; well wrapped and packaged. I chose the pricier priority mail option because from experience media mail shipping to Hawaii can take from 4 to 6 weeks. I did not want to wait that long.
As you know, Father Peter Dumag is the new full-time Director of Vocations of the Diocese of Honolulu... Father Peter has prepared a Diocesan Prayer for Vocations...I ask you to distribute and use this prayer as widely as possible.Prayer for Vocations
May the Master of the harvest hear our prayers and bless us wtih an abundance of laborers for his harvest here in Hawaii!
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverent Larry Silva Bishop of Honolulu