When your child is homeschooled there is a less likely chance that he or she will encounter trouble with bullies. However, if your child is in public school (more so than a private school I would think, but maybe there is just as much bullying at those institutions too) there is more of a chance that child may have a bully problem and the parent may not even be aware.
From what I have been reading or hearing, bullying is becoming a big problem worldwide. There is bullying in person but now there is also the problem of cyber-bullying.
The following are TIPS on dealing with bullies:
Bully Tactics
Cindi Seddon, cofounder of Coquitlam's Bully B'ware program, and a teacher as
well as a school principal, recommends the following when your child encounters
a bully:
Stand straight and tall if faced with a bully; look him straight in the eye.
Be polite but firm.
Tell the bully "Stop it, I don't like it. Leave me alone."
If at all possible, don't cry or show you are upset. Walk away if you can't hide your feelings.
Report events to an adult you trust. Expect action to be taken.
Contact your child's school, anonymously, and ask if there is a bullying policy.
Then, if assured your child won't be exposed to greater risk, inform them of the events that transpired, including a date, time and place.
Follow up with school authorities. Ask what action has been taken and how your child will be kept safe if his identity has been exposed.
There are websites you can visit for help:
Talk Helps
Take Action Against Bullying