The Fatima Song
Refrain: Ave, Ave, Ave Maria! Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
1. In Fatima's Cove on the thirteenth of May, the Virgin Maria appeared at midday.
2. The Virgin Maria surrounded by light, God's Mother is ours, for she gives us this sight.
3. The world was then suffering from war, plague, and strife, and Portugal mourned for her great loss of life.
4. To three shepherd children the Virgin then spoke a message so hopeful, with peace for all folk.
5. With sweet Mother's pleading, she asked us to pray, do penance, be modest, the Rosary each day.
6. All Portugal heard what God's Mother did say, converted it sings of that Queen to this day.
7. We all must remember Our Lady's request, do all that she asks for, obey her requests.
8. She warned of behavior from which we must turn, of thoughts, words, and actions which Christians must spurn.
9. She told us that Jesus is so much offended, and asked that our living be firmly amended.
10. To her sad, sweet pleading our promise is made, that God's Law in all things be strongly obeyed.
11. From nation to nation her fair name is praised, as souls from sin's bondage are contritely raised.
12. Our thanks to the Godhead, whose ways are so sure, for giving us Mary, our Mother Most Pure.
13. Our hearts, overflowing with kindness and love, thank her for God's graces bestowed from above.
14. Hail, Refuge of sinners! Hail, Star of the Sea! Hail, Queen of Creation! Our hope is in thee.
15. All hail, Virgin Mary! This Star guides our way, our country's Protectress, America's Way!