Shared by my friend Mary Ann
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Spiritual Help
from Regnum Christi
Resolution: I will make a visit to our Lord in the Eucharist today and offer him my life.
Oldest Chinese Cleric died in his sleep at 110
Shared by Sue of Half the Kingdom
Trappist priest Rev. Nicholas Kao Se-Tsien, Hong Kong’s oldest man, who recited the rosary devotion 15 times a day for world peace every day from 1932, has died at the age of 110.ARTICLE
Novena - Our Lady of Lourdes
The following Novena is begins today February 2nd and ends February 10th. Source: EWTN
O ever Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Mercy, Health of the Sick, Refuge of Sinners, Comfort to the Afflicted,
you know my wants, my troubles, my sufferings. Deign to cast upon me a look of mercy. By appearing in the Grotto of Lourdes, you were pleased to make it a privileged sanctuary, whence you dispense your favors; and already many sufferers have obtained the cure of their infirmities, both spiritual and corporal.
I come, therefore, with the most unbounded confidence to implore your maternal intercession. Obtain, O loving Mother, the granting of my requests.
Through gratitude for favors, I will endeavor to imitate your virtues that I may one day share your glory.
Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us. Amen.
(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.)
Friday, February 01, 2008
EWTN Has Arrived on Oahu!

EWTN hit the airwaves on August 15, 1981 and after soon-to-be 27 years, it will finally happen...EWTN, the Eternal Word Television Network, has finally arrived on Oahu and Kauai. I got word the other day from an executive at our local cable company Oceanic Cable, that they plan on launching EWTN on February 1st, on digital channel 408. I just checked and we have it!
To all of you who joined in our prayer for this to happen, mahalo nui loa!
Thank you dear Lord for making this possible!
For Plenary Indulgence - 150th Anniversary of the Lourdes Apparition

From Alexis who shared the info with me.
On February 11, 2008, the Church will mark the 150th anniversary of the First Apparition at Lourdes. The Vatican has issued an apostolic decree for plenary indulgence on that date:
DECREESource: The Holy See's website
according to which is granted a daily Plenary Indulgence
on the 150th Anniversary of the Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Lourdes
On the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Grotto of Massabielle near Lourdes, a daily Plenary Indulgence is granted to the Christian faithful who, from 8 December 2007 until 8 December 2008, devoutly and in accordance with the established conditions, visit the Grotto of Massabielle, as well as those who, from 2-11 February 2008, visit a blessed image of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes solemnly displayed for public veneration in any church, oratory, grotto or suitable place.
God's omnipotence and infinite love have joined together in a marvellous bond the role of Mary, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ and hence, Mother of his Mystical Body the Church, and the salvific work of the Church herself: Blessed Abbot Guerric thus connects the protection sought by the Christian faithful from Mother Mary with the Catholic Church's universal ministry of salvation: "The Blessed Mother of Christ, insofar as she sees herself the mother of Christians by way of mystery, also shows herself to be a mother by her solicitude and tender affection for them.... Consider if her children, prompted by a certain spontaneous sense of faith, do not also acknowledge her as mother as they find refuge, before all else, at the invocation of her name in every trial and danger just like children in the arms of their mother" (Sermo I, In Assumptione B. Mariae Virg.).
Similarly, the Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium of the Second Vatican Council highlights what we might call the "joint" mission of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary and the Catholic Church: "For Mary, who since her entry into salvation history unites in herself and re-echoes the greatest teachings of the faith as she is proclaimed and venerated, calls the faithful to her Son and his sacrifice and to the love of the Father. Seeking after the glory of Christ, the Church becomes more like her exalted Type, and continually progresses in faith, hope and charity, seeking and doing the will of God in all things" (n. 65).
The history of the Church and the marvellous signs of Marian devotion continually and clearly confirm the ways of Divine Providence and foster devotion among the faithful.
A glance over the nearly 150 years since Mary Most Holy, revealing herself to little Bernadette Soubirous as the Immaculate Conception, wanted a shrine, a treasury of grace, to be built and maintained in the place called Massabielle, in the city of Lourdes, brings to mind the countless number of signs by which the supernatural life of souls and even the health of bodies have benefited much from the goodness of Almighty God. This plan of Divine Providence, accompanied by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, clearly demonstrates that the integral end of man is the good of the whole human person, both here on earth and especially in eternal salvation.
Since the establishment of the Shrine at Lourdes, the Christian faithful have understood that there the Blessed Virgin Mary, through the ministry of the Catholic Church, desires to provide most lovingly for the complete health of men and women.
For as they venerate the Blessed Virgin Mary in the place "touched by her feet", they refresh themselves with the sacraments, make firm resolutions to lead more perfect Christian lives, perceive more clearly the meaning of the Church and experience the solid reasons for all these things: the very connection of these remarkable events over time has clearly attested to the joint action of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Church: indeed, the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary was defined in 1854, and in 1858, Mary Most Holy appeared to the devout young girl Bernadette Soubirous with ineffable motherly sweetness, uttering the words of the dogmatic definition: "I am the Immaculate Conception".
In order to allow the fruits of renewed holiness to grow from this blessed commemoration, the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI has generously decreed that the gift of a Plenary Indulgence be granted according to the following conditions:
Each and every member of the Christian faithful who, truly repentant, is purified through sacramental confession, restored through the Most Holy Eucharist and offers prayers for the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff, will be able to gain a Plenary Indulgence daily, which may also be applied, by way of suffrage, to the souls of the faithful in Purgatory:
A) If, during the year running from 8 December 2007 until the end of 8 December 2008, they devoutly visit the following places, preferably in this order - 1) the parish baptismal font used for the Baptism of Bernadette; 2) the house of the Soubirous family called the "cachot"; 3) the Grotto of Massabielle; 4) the chapel of the hospice where Bernadette made her First Communion - and pause to reflect for an appropriate length of time at each of these Jubilee sites, concluding with the Lord's Prayer, some legitimate form of the Profession of Faith, and the Jubilee prayer or some other Marian invocation.
B) If, from the Feast of the Presentation of our Lord on 2 February 2008 until the end of the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes on 11 February 2008, which is also the 150th Anniversary of the Apparition, they devoutly visit a blessed image of the Holy Virgin Mary of Lourdes in any church, chapel, grotto or other suitable place in which it is solemnly displayed, and in the presence of that image perform some pious act of Marian devotion, or at least pause to reflect for an appropriate length of time, concluding with the Lord's Prayer, some legitimate form of the Profession of Faith, and the Jubilee prayer or some other Marian invocation.
C) The elderly, sick, and all those unable to leave home for a just cause, if they consciously reject all sin and have the intention to fulfil the above-mentioned conditions as soon as possible, are likewise able to obtain - at home or wherever they may be - a Plenary Indulgence, if, between the days of 2 and 11 February 2008, they complete a "spiritual visit" (to the aforementioned places) in the desire of their heart, recite the prayers indicated above, and trustingly offer the pains and discomforts of their own lives to God through Mary.
In order that the Christian faithful may partake more readily of these heavenly gifts, priests who have received approval to hear confessions by the competent ecclesiastical authorities should welcome them with a willing and generous spirit and solemnly lead the recitation of public prayers to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary.
Given in Rome, at the Offices of the Apostolic Penitentiary, 21 November 2007, on the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Cardinal James Francis Stafford
Major Penitentiary
Gianfranco Girotti, O.F.M. Conv.
Titular Bishop of Meta, Regent
Fine Art Friday

The featured artist today is Dante Gabriel Rossetti. (May 12, 1828 - April 9, 1882). He was the brother of poet Christina Rossetti and one of the founders of the Pre-Raphaelite School. This is just a sampling of the magnificent work by this artist.

Thursday, January 31, 2008
The Anointing of the Sick - Sacrament

Sue of Half the Kingdom has a very good post on the Holy Souls: Anointing of the Dying: Apostolic Pardon.
Why it is important to call for a priest early on to administer the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick to a loved one who is near deathYou can read the entire post over at Sue's blog.
Here are some of the most important reasons :
1. The sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick takes away all mortal and venial sins, even if the person is unconscious. To hear the person’s last confession and to provide them with the Viaticum ( Holy Eucharist ), prepares them for their journey to Our Lord. In addition, the apostolic pardon takes away any temporal punishment (purgatory time) that remains for the soul.
Apostolic Pardon: (to be given by a priest only): ” By the authority granted me by the Holy See, I hereby grant you full pardon and remission of all your sins: In the Name of the Father + and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
2. The devil at the time of death tempts the soul to despair by accusing it of its sins. Among other reasons, Our Lord instituted the Chaplet of Divine Mercy to drive him away at this time.
Feast of St. John (Don) Bosco

A wealthy woman approached St John Bosco seeking his wisdom for he was already well known for his counseling work, especially helping young people through education to develop their skills. This wealthy woman wanted to seek St John Bosco's advice where to invest her money. When she asked the holy saint, St John Bosco smiled at her, and stretched out the palm of his hand. Yes, St John Bosco showed the best way for this wealthy woman to invest her money was to give it to him so he could continue to further his work of helping the youth. His missionary order, the Salesians was truly a miracle work of God.To know more about St. John Bosco, please visit The St. Michael's Center for the Blessed Virgin Mary
This month we honor St John Bosco. Today sadly, many youth (and elderly) are being neglected. The youth is our future and the elderly are the heroes that built our country. They are subjected to the worse treatment and abuse either by a corrupt media or an uncaring society and government.
That is why we dedicate our work to the youth and to the elderly to encourage and comfort them.
- Start a 9-day Novena in Honor of St John Bosco for young people, especially your children.
- Volunteer to become a member of our organization and give your skills to God
- And most important, sanctify your soul through good works and acts of mercy and love
The battle for souls is more intense today than ever. Become a Knight of St Michael. "Put on the Armor Of God ! "
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Spiritual Help - Peace

From Sue of Half the Kingdom BTW, check out her post on the Little Crown of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Do you wish to be at peace amid suffering and temptation? Then makeLittle Pictorial Lives of the Saints
it your principal endeavor to grow in habits of prayer and in union
with Christ. Have confidence in Him. He will make you victorious over
your spiritual enemies and over yourself. He will enlighten your
darkness and sweeten your sufferings, and in your solitude and
desolation He will draw near to you with His holy Angels.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
If I Had My Child to Raise Again

My son asked me to watch him play a game and I told him I was too busy doing something else. So what do I read over at Marie from View From the Pews?
If I had my child to raise all over again,
I'd build self-esteem first, and the house later.
I'd finger paint more, and point the finger less.
I'd would do less correcting and more connecting.
I'd take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes.
I would care to know less and know to care more.
I'd take more hikes and fly more kites.
I'd stop playing serious, and seriously play.
I would run through more fields and gaze at more stars,
I'd do more hugging and less tugging.
I'd see the oak tree in the acorn more often,
I would be firm less often, and affirm much more.
I'd model less about the love of power,
And more about the power of love.
Diane Loomans
Well, see you later. I'm off to see my son play Portal and the cute Companion Cube.
The Secret of Sanctity

I found this on Sue's blog
I am gong to reveal to you a secret of sanctity and happiness. If every day during five minutes you will keep your imagination quiet, shut your eyes to all the things of sense, and close your ears to all the sounds of earth, so as to be able to withdraw into the sanctuary of your baptized souls, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit, speaking there to that Holy spirit saying:
O Holy Spirit, soul of my soul, I adore You. Enlighten, guide, strengthen and console me. Tell me what I ought to do and command me to do it. I promise to be submissive in everything that You permit to happen to me, only show me what is Your Will.
If you do this, your life will pass happily and serenely. Consolation will abound even in the midst of troubles. Grace will be given in proportion to the trial as well as strength to bear it, bringing you to the gates of Paradise full of merit.
This submission to the Holy Spirit is the Secret of Sanctity.
Cardinal Mercier
Monday, January 28, 2008
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