Pictures were courtesy of a few sources:
University of Dayton
Mary Pages

What kind of parents have a baby in Alaska, take care of it for a month and then bolt for Hawaii? Don’t they realize their newborn will band together with other youngsters and try to follow them even though the chances of a family reunion are laughable? (Click title above for the rest of this amazing story)
The Solemnity of the Assumption is considered as one of the most ancient feast of Our Lady but we don't know how it first came to be celebrated. The Assumption completes God's work in Mary since it was not fitting that the flesh that had given life to God himself should ever undergo corruption. The Assumption is God's crowning of His work as Mary ends her earthly life and enters eternity.
In 1950, Pope Pius XII declared the Assumption a dogma of the Faith—that at the end of Mary’s earthly life She was assumed into Heaven. So, now we celebrate the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 15th, a holy day of obligation in the United States.
The Assumption looks to eternity and gives us hope that we, too, will follow Our Lady when our life is ended. The antiphons from the Liturgy of the Hours give us some precious words to meditate upon as we consider the Assumption.
1. "Christ ascended into Heaven and prepared an everlasting place for His Immaculate Mother."
2. "The Virgin Mary is exalted above the choirs of Angels; let all believers rejoice and bless the Lord."
3. "Mary was taken up to Heaven; the Angels rejoice. They bless the Lord and sing His praises."
4. "Today the Virgin Mary was taken up to Heaven, rejoice, for she reigns with Christ forever."
Rejoice, O Mother of God,
Rejoice, O Mother of the Lamb and Shepherd!
Rejoice, O pasture of spiritual sheep!
Rejoice, O defender against unseen enemies!
Rejoice, O opening of heavenly gates!
Rejoice, for, because of you, heaven rejoices with earth,
Rejoice, O unending boast of the apostles!
Rejoice, O invincible boldness and strength of the martyrs.
Rejoice, O sure confirmation of our faith!
Rejoice, O bright knowledge and vehicle of grace!
Rejoice, for you spoiled hell forever!
Rejoice, for the Lord clothed you with his glory!
Rejoice, O Mary, the unwedded bride! (Akathist Hymn)
Verse: Rejoice, O Mary, for you gave birth to the Word,
Son of the eternal Father
and the author of all life.
Response: Accept today the homage of our prayer.
Deliver us from every calamity,
and keep us free from evil.
The Lord's Prayer
Blessing I
God, our Father, You chose the lowly maiden of Nazareth, to become the mother of your eternal Son. Through the intercession of her prayers make us, your children, grow daily in the love of you, our Father, and in the love of all our brothers and sisters in Christ. Send your blessing upon our table, upon those who prepared this food for us, and make us always mindful of the needs of the poor and the hungry. We ask this of you through Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of Mary. Amen.
The Man Who Stepped Out of Line
In this post-feminist age where men are still learning remedial masculinity, we have a model of manhood lived heroically which we would do well to emulate. In the early twentieth century Poland gave us that manly priest, John Paul II, but also his hero, Maximilian Kolbe, priest, missionary, spiritual father and martyr of brotherly love. St. Maximilian’s feast day is August 14th, the vigil of his beloved Virgin Mary’s Assumption and the day which commemorates the conquest of virile love over the totalitarian creeds of his generation.