I found this on Ebeth's blog
Is your home a Catholic home? Do Jesus and Mary have an important place in your family? Consider the following checklist and decide:
Are morning and night prayers a daily occurrence in your home?
Yes (individually in the morning and as a family at night)
Do you say grace before and thanks to God after meals?
Before meals, yes, even in public. Afterwards, I do privately. I do not know if my family does.
Do you say a family Rosary every night?
Yes, we do now. We rarely miss an evening to pray it together as a family.
Do you carry a Rosary at all times?
Yes. I carry a beautiful wood rose Rosary my mom gave me and I wear a Rosary bracelet made by my friend Shana. I also try to remember to carry finger rosaries for my DS and DH.
Do you wear a religious medal or a scapular?
Yes, I wear a Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, the jade cross my DH gave me before we got married and the Miraculous medal my sister gave me for being in her wedding.
Do you read and discuss the Bible often?
I am trying to. Especially since a dear priest here in NJ would give me the St. James's letters and the Book of Ecclesiastes for spiritual reading as my penance.
Is your home dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus?
Yes. Our home has been enthroned to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Is there a crucifix hanging in a prominent place?
There are several, one at the front door, in the bedrooms, in the kitchen.
Do you ask God’s help in the solution of family problems?
Yes. I do so all the time.
Do you have a sick-call set for Communion or Anointing of the Sick?
Yes. It is included in one of the Crucifixes that hang on our wall.
Do you attend church as a family?
Yes on Sundays and will be doing so with my son on a daily basis.
Do you go to Confession regularly?
Yes, my son and I go on a weekly basis. My DH approximately twice a month or so. We so need that weekly purging in order to handle the circumstances of the coming week and of course, we want to be cleansed before receiving our Lord in Holy Communion on Sunday.
Do the children attend a Catholic school or Catholic religious instruction program? We homeschool with Seton Homestudy, so yes they get very good catechesis. (Ebeth's response but ditto for us).
Do you have religious instruction at home? Yes, See above
Are there Catholic periodicals in your home?
Yes, tons. (Ebeth's response - same here)
Do you have a crib at Christmas?
Yes. Along with our Nativity sets, we bought a little crib with the most beautiful baby Jesus last year.
Do you send out cards that indicate Christmas is the birth of Christ?
Yes. And, since we are on every Catholic Religious order's mailing list, we get the cards that offer Masses. This is especially welcomed by many friends and family members.
Does Christmas mean the coming of Christ or a chance to get gifts?
Coming of Jesus of course. We look forward to this by observing Advent with as much zeal as we do Christmas.
Does Easter Sunday mean the resurrection of Christ or new clothes?
Christ's resurrection. Again, we focus on Lent first in order to have our Lord's Resurrection to look forward to.
Do you ever invite lonesome or needy people into your home?
I used too. I haven't done that in a while.
Do you ever provide a basket of food to a needy family, not just at Thanksgiving and
Christmas but during the rest of the year?
We do via our church programs and other Catholic organizations