Pope Reads Unpublished Letters at Funeral Mass
VATICAN CITY, FEB. 2, 2007 (Zenit.org).- In letters written to Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Antonio María Javierre Ortas revealed his greatest love -- the Eucharist.
During Benedict XVI's homily for the cardinal's funeral Mass today in St. Peter's Basilica, the Holy Father read passages from the unpublished letters.
Cardinal Javierre Ortas, former prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, died Thursday. He was 85.
In 1992, when he was appointed prefect, Cardinal Javierre wrote to John Paul II: "Count on my sincere effort ... to complete the commitment entrusted to me.
I envision it, gravitating completely around the Eucharist." Benedict XVI added that the last word was "written in capital letters."
"Everything revolves around that center of gravity," noted the Spanish cardinal, born in Sietamo.
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his priestly ordination, in response to a congratulatory letter sent to him by John Paul II, the cardinal wrote: "
At the time of my ordination, in Salamanca, the priesthood gravitated wholly around the Eucharist ... It is a joy to relive the sentiments of our ordination, aware that in the Eucharist, sacrament of sacrifice, he fully actualizes his one priesthood."
Only God
Benedict XVI said today, "Cardinal Javierre Ortas wanted his personal life and ecclesial mission to be a message of hope. Through his apostolate, following the example of St. John Bosco, he made every effort to communicate to all that Christ is always with us.
"How many times he, son of the homeland of St. Teresa and St. John of the Cross, prayed in his heart:
'Let nothing disturb you, nothing affright you, he who has God lacks nothing. ... Only God suffices.'"
At 75, when he retired from the Roman Curia, Cardinal Javierre Ortas wrote to John Paul II: "It only remains for me now to implore that the Lord will use -- in the divine register -- the kindness of his vicar when in the evening of my life -- not distant -- the hour will strike for my examination on love."
Benedict XVI said that the cardinal had "left the office of prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments ... to dedicate himself to the service that must never be given up: prayer."
The Pope continued, "And now that the heavenly Father has willed to take him to himself, I am sure that in heaven, where we are confident the Lord received him in his paternal embrace, he continues to pray for us."
Quoting from Cardinal Javierre's writings, the Pontiff added: "It is wonderful to think that, regardless of the series of sins of our life, it is enough to raise our eyes and see the Lord's gesture, who receives each one of us with infinite goodness, with the greatest kindness."