Saturday, February 03, 2007

My Daily Eucharist

Blessed Sacrament
Thank you Sue!

A man who lived near the church wondered what the new Cure was doing in there so very early each morning. One morning, long before dawn, when the man saw a tiny candle making its way from the rectory through the darkness across the cemetery, he sneaked over to the church and peeked in to find out for himself. There was the pastor, pouring out his heart to Jesus hidden in the Blessed Sacrament! "Ah," said the man, "he is not like other men!" What did the Cure say to his blessed Jesus? Henri Gheon has given us his version of the Cure's prayer. Prostate on the floor or kneeling with outstretched hands, the Cure thus prayed or groaned or wept out his heart:

"My God, my all, You see how I love You, and I do not love You enough.

"My God, You have given me all; behold the little that I give You. Give me the strength to give more.

"My God, here is all–take all; but convert my parish. If You do not convert it, it will be because I have not deserved it.

"My God, I count my merits as nothing, but Yours are infinite. May they win for me the grace of suffering.

"My God, I consent to suffer all that You may wish for all my life... for a hundred years... and the most bitter suffering, but convert them... "

(St. John Vianney, The Cure of Ars)

The Cure Of Ars, Patron Saint Of Parish Priests
Fr. Bartholomew O'Brien

Cardinal's Great Eucharistic Love Revealed


Pope Reads Unpublished Letters at Funeral Mass

VATICAN CITY, FEB. 2, 2007 ( In letters written to Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Antonio María Javierre Ortas revealed his greatest love -- the Eucharist.

During Benedict XVI's homily for the cardinal's funeral Mass today in St. Peter's Basilica, the Holy Father read passages from the unpublished letters.

Cardinal Javierre Ortas, former prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, died Thursday. He was 85.

In 1992, when he was appointed prefect, Cardinal Javierre wrote to John Paul II: "Count on my sincere effort ... to complete the commitment entrusted to me. I envision it, gravitating completely around the Eucharist." Benedict XVI added that the last word was "written in capital letters."

"Everything revolves around that center of gravity," noted the Spanish cardinal, born in Sietamo.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his priestly ordination, in response to a congratulatory letter sent to him by John Paul II, the cardinal wrote: "At the time of my ordination, in Salamanca, the priesthood gravitated wholly around the Eucharist ... It is a joy to relive the sentiments of our ordination, aware that in the Eucharist, sacrament of sacrifice, he fully actualizes his one priesthood."

Only God

Benedict XVI said today, "Cardinal Javierre Ortas wanted his personal life and ecclesial mission to be a message of hope. Through his apostolate, following the example of St. John Bosco, he made every effort to communicate to all that Christ is always with us.

"How many times he, son of the homeland of St. Teresa and St. John of the Cross, prayed in his heart: 'Let nothing disturb you, nothing affright you, he who has God lacks nothing. ... Only God suffices.'"

At 75, when he retired from the Roman Curia, Cardinal Javierre Ortas wrote to John Paul II: "It only remains for me now to implore that the Lord will use -- in the divine register -- the kindness of his vicar when in the evening of my life -- not distant -- the hour will strike for my examination on love."

Benedict XVI said that the cardinal had "left the office of prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments ... to dedicate himself to the service that must never be given up: prayer."

The Pope continued, "And now that the heavenly Father has willed to take him to himself, I am sure that in heaven, where we are confident the Lord received him in his paternal embrace, he continues to pray for us."

Quoting from Cardinal Javierre's writings, the Pontiff added: "It is wonderful to think that, regardless of the series of sins of our life, it is enough to raise our eyes and see the Lord's gesture, who receives each one of us with infinite goodness, with the greatest kindness."

St. Gerard - Patron Saint of Mothers and Good Confessions

St. Gerard
I found this going through my things too. What I didn't know about St. Gerard Majella was that he is also the patron saint of good confessions. Found that out at the site where I found this lovely picture of him. WEBSITE

For a Good Confession

St. Gerard, Patron of a Good Confession, who gave courage to souls whom fear and shame had overcome; who gave sorrow to their hearts, resolution to their wills, truth to their faltering lips; help me to make a good confession. Enable me to know my sins, to be truly sorry for them, and to be firmly resolved, with God's grace, never to sin again.

Help me to confess my sins humbly and sincerely, to confess them in the spirit of faith, as confessing them to Our Lord himself.

Stand by me in this confession, O gentle Saint, an angel of God

Okay, now for the prayers I found in my papers. I remember my sister gave me these prayers and I used to pray it daily. God answered my prayers but not in the way I had thought...He led us to Joey:

For Motherhood:

Good Saint Gerard, powerful intercessor before the throne of God, wonder-worker of our day, I call upon you and seek your aid. You know that our marriage has not yet been blessed with a child and how much my husband and I desire this gift. Please present our fervent pleas to the Creator life, from whom all parenthood proceeds, and beseech him to bless us with a child whom we may raise as his child and heir of heaven. Amen.

For A Mother With Child:

Almighty and Everlasting God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, You prepared the body and soul of the Virgin Mary to be a worthy dwelling place of your divine Son. You sanctified Saint John the Baptist while still in his mother's womb. Listen now to my prayer. Through the intercession of Saint Gerard, watch over my child and me; protect us at the time of delivery. May my child receive the saving graces of baptism, lead a Christian life, and together with all the members of our family, attain, everlasting happiness in heaven. Amen.

How To Regain Authority Over Your Child

Child and Jesus
I've been organizing and decluttering our home. I found a treasure trove of clips, booklets,Catholic holy cards, prayers, advice, etc. that I had saved early on in our marriage. The following is I believe, one for troublesome teens. Even though it refers to a boy, it pertains to both boys and girls:

by James W. Demers

"All parents know the warning sings. Suddenly a rebel lives under your roof. What follows is a ten point plan to re-assert authority over your child":

1. Stop trying to be his friend, he needs a parent not another peer!

2. Never let him think you need his permission to act in his best interest. You are his parent not his Fan Club president.

3. Never let a lie about the home and family go unchallenged. A child allowed to get away with one lie about home life, will create a fantasy home you don't recognize.

4. Never let him rate you, his siblings or your home on a scale of 1 to 10. Teachers who allow their students to make ratings on people and things should be confronted. It instills dangerous illusions of power. Your child as no credentials to be your critic.

5. You can win back even the most disrespectful renegade child by one single tactic. Never let him know what is coming up next, what your plans are for the weekend, for tomorrow, for the evening and even supper. Unless he asks.

6. Make him win you back. No more multiple freebies. No laundry if the clothes are not deposited. No respect unless respect is given. Discard the litany the sociologists have imposed on you.

7. Stop being just an extra on your-son-the-superstar's set. Or you will en d up powerless as his teacher.

8. Set standards he must meet. Let him know he can pass or fail. There may be no order in the outside world but you must have order in your home. Dress code, cleanliness, language, sound levels. Your standards!

9. Teach him self-denial, the secret of the saints. Encourage him to give extra change to his siblings, to pick out clothes from his close to give to charity. To part with his old comics. He'll start linking you to his inner worth.

10. Make him account for his whereabouts and activities. He is accountable to you. Don't be afraid to lure him on with the "M' word.

R + A = M or Responsibility plus Accountability equals Maturity.
Taken from Meeting Mr. B. Chapter 2, Part II of Children of Winter
5207 Victoria Ave.,
Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 4E4

Saints Weren't Perfect, Pope Says

St. Blase
Feburary 3rd - Feast of St. Blase, Bishop and Martyr

Claims Holiness Is Something Everyone Can Learn

VATICAN CITY, JAN. 31, 2007 ( The saints are not people who never made mistakes or sinned, but who repented and were reconciled, says Benedict XVI.

This fact is a personal consolation for the Pope himself, as he explained in today's general audience.

Addressing some 6,000 people in Paul VI Hall, the Holy Father dedicated his weekly address to focus on three of St. Paul's closest collaborators: Barnabas, Silas and Apollos.

The Pontiff explained that on occasions Paul had confrontations with them, at least with Barnabas, because of differences of opinion on specific questions.

"Hence, also among saints there are oppositions, discords and controversies And this is very consoling for me, as we see that the saints have not 'fallen from heaven,'" the Holy Father said.

"They are men like us, with complicated problems. Holiness does not consist in not making mistakes or never sinning," Benedict XVI continued. "Holiness grows with the capacity for conversion, repentance, willingness to begin again, and above all with the capacity for reconciliation and forgiveness.

"And we can all learn this way of holiness."

The Pope's address continued with the series of meditations he has been giving on the first apostles and evangelizers of the early Church.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Prolife Bumper Stickers

The following are a few of my favorite pro-life bumper stickers. Feel free to share your favorites in the Comments section.

"CHRISTIANS: Your sins were paid for with the blood of Chrsit, your freedom was paid for with the blood of patriots, and your silence is paid for with the blood of the unborn." - from Hawaii Right to Life

"Ho'omaika'i Ke Ola Ka Pono Lehua Me Ka Make"
"Respect for Life from Conception to Natural Death"

"Abortion is Mean"

Jesus, Help Me

Sacred Heart
In every need let me come to You with humble trust, saying: Jesus, help me!

In all my doubts, perplexities, and temptations: Jesus, help me!

In hours of loneliness, weariness and trials: Jesus, help me!

In the failure of my plans and hopes, in disappointments, troubles and sorrows: Jesus, help me!

When others fail me, and Your Grace alone can assist me: Jesus, help me!

When I throw myself on Your tender Love as a Father and Savior: Jesus, help me!

When my heart is cast down by failure at seeing no good come from my efforts: Jesus, help me!

When I feel impatient, and my cross irritates me: Jesus, help me!

When I am ill, and my head and hands cannot work and I am lonely: Jesus, help me!

Always, always, in spite of weakness, falls, and shortcomings of every kind: Jesus, help me and never forsake me.

Novena Prayer for Healing - Our Lady of Lourdes - Begins Today

The following is from St. Michael Center for the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Power of Prayer for Healing

February is the month of healing and suffering. Hearing the words suffering and healing, we often think of people who are sick and needed to be healed through prayers and medical assistance. But let us also remember that all people experience suffering though it is not through grave sickness. Emotional and psychological problems can be considered as suffering.

Pope John Paul II's constant attention to the poor is one of the characteristics of his pontificate. In his 1984 apostolic letter "Salvifici Doloris" he addressed the Christian meaning of human suffering.

February 11 is the Feast day of OUR LADY of LOURDES, the late Pope John Paul II who is very much devoted to Blessed Mother believes in the intercession of Mary. In line with this in 1992, the Holy Father instituted the World Day of the Sick, to be observed every year on Feb. 11, liturgical memorial of the Virgin of Lourdes. In 1993 he established the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers.

The online Novena can be found HERE

The Presentation of the Lord - Candlemas

Presentation Artwork by Fra Angelico

Taken from the Gospel of the day:

Luke 2:22-40

“Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in the sight of all the peoples: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel.”


Our Lord and Master, may our eyes always see your salvation and be renewed in it day by day.
We hope in you who will bring to us the day of perfect union with your perfect love.
We ask this through you Son, Jesus, Our Salvation and Our Joy!
by Easter Almuena

In Hawaii, some churches continue the tradition of the blessings of the candles at the Mass.

It is customary to bring candles from home to be blessed -- at least 51% beeswax candles that one uses for devotional purposes (candles for the family altar, Advent candles, etc.) -- so they can be lit after dusk on All Saints' Day (1 November), during the Sacrament of Unction, and during storms and times of trouble. A bit of very old poetry summarizes the use of blessed candles to ward off troubles:
To learn more about this feast day of our Lord, please visit Fisheaters

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Leticia's March for Life 2007 Video

H/T to Jean

Leticia did a marvelous job with this video!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Feast of St. John Bosco

Don Bosco
Here it is the Feast Day of one of my family's favorite saints and I still have posted anything to honor him.

"Don" Bosco was a teacher who really loved his students. If I am not mistaken a few of his students eventually became saints. St. Dominic Savio is his most famous student. If you can obtain it, I highly recommend you reading Life of Blessed Dominic Savio by Saint John Bosco.

Please check out the following blogs:

Mysterium Fidei

A Catholic Life

Catholic Fire

A Catholic Mom's Thoughts

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Concept of Marriage Is Eroding, Warns Pope

Cautions Against "Pastoral Good" Which Negates Truth

VATICAN CITY, JAN. 29, 2007 ( Relativism is eroding the concept of marriage, even among Catholics, says Benedict XVI.

The Pope also warned about the risk of seeing annulments as a canonical way to regulate the breakup of authentic marriages.

The Holy Father said this on Saturday in an address delivered to the judges, officials, lawyers and collaborators of the Roman Rota, the Church's central appellate court, at the opening of the judicial year.

The tribunal reviews cases already handled by ordinary ecclesiastical courts and appealed to the Holy See.

The "truth of marriage," Benedict XVI said, loses "existential relevance in a cultural context marked by relativism and juridical positivism, which consider marriage as a mere social formalization of emotional bonds."

"Consequently, not only does it become contingent, as human sentiments can be, but is presented as a legal superstructure that human will might manipulate according to its pleasure, even depriving it of its heterosexual character," the Pope added.

"This crisis of the meaning of marriage," which has even led to calling same-sex unions marriage, "also has effects on the way many faithful think," the Holy Father explained.

In this way, the "indissoluble conjugal bond" is denied, or regarded as an ideal that cannot be made obligatory for "normal Christians," he said.

True nullity

Benedict XVI explained: "In fact, the conviction has spread even in some ecclesiastical realms, according to which, the pastoral good of individuals in irregular marital situations would call for a kind of canonical regularization of their situation, regardless of the validity or invalidity of their marriage, that is, regardless of the 'truth' about their personal condition.

"The matrimonial declaration is considered, in fact, as an instrument to attain this objective, according to a logic in which the law becomes the formalization of subjective pretensions."

The Pontiff continued: "Given the subjective and libertarian relativization of the sexual experience, the tradition of the Church affirms with clarity the naturally juridical nature of marriage, that is, its belonging by nature to the realm of justice in interpersonal relations.

"From this point of view, the law is truly connected to life, with love as an intrinsic duty."

The Holy Father quoted his encyclical "Deus Caritas Est," No. 11, saying: "From the standpoint of creation, 'eros' directs man toward marriage, to a bond which is unique and definitive; thus, and only thus, does it fulfill its deepest purpose."

"Love and law," he said, "can thus be united to the point of making husband and wife give each other mutually the love that they feel spontaneously."

Patron Saints for the Armed Forces

H/T to Sunny

Click HERE to find out just who these saints are.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Prayer Site for Children

Praying Girl
H/T to Barb

Here is a wonderful site for kids. The best part is that it is Catholic and interactive.

Click Here for Talk2God

Sunday, January 28, 2007

The ABC's of Child Raising

This was posted in an Ann Lander's column a long time ago and recently found in my things.

A is for Accountability
Hold your child accountable for thier actions .

B is for Boundaries
Set specific limits, make clear the repercussions if those limits are exceeded.

C is for Consistancy
Hold the same principals and practices .

D is for Discipline
Make the punishment fit the crime, Never discipline in anger.

E is for Example
Children are in greater need of models than critics. Set a good example.

F is for Forgiveness
Practice it and teach the importance of forgiving.

G is for Giving
Teach the Joy of giving, not only to family and friends but to strangers in need.

H is for Sense of Humor
Keep your sense of humor, promote laughter with your children.

I is for Imagination
Be creative and play with your children, make up stories or songs when you read and sing to them.

J is for Justice
Be fair and insist they be fair too.

K is for Knowing
Your children's friends and their parents as well as their teachers.

L is for Listening
Listen to your children, it will teach them how to listen to others
and their thoughts will give you insight.

M is for Morals
Be sure your own standard of conduct is sound.

N is for No
Use it and mean it.

O is for Outdoors
Provide as much outdoor activity as possible.

P is for pressure
Reduce the pressure on your children, but insist they maintain high standards.

Q is for Questions
Pay close attention to their questions and give simple answers unless they demand more.

R is for Respect
Show respect, teach respect and earn respect.

S is for Source of Strength
Share your own faith or beliefs with your children. Faith can be their port in the storms of life.

T is for Togetherness
Have special designated times to be together as a family but know when to let go too.
U is for Uniqueness
Understand the uniqueness of each child and let that child be who she or he is.

V is for Voice
Tone of voice can convey more to a child than the words spoken.

W is for Words
Keep your word, Promises broken can destroy trust.

X is for eXamine
Examine constantly and be aware.

Y is for You
Take care of yourself mentally, physically and spiritually, A happy parent helps a child to be happy.

Z is for Zowie!
Would you have thought they could grow up so quickly?

Love and Honesty are not included because they are assumed to be already in place.

Da Pacem Domine

H/T to Sue

Beautiful music...

Saintly Quote

H/T to Sue

This is the occupation of our life:
by effort and toil,
by prayer and supplication,
to advance in the grace of God,
until we come to that height of perfection
where with clean hearts we may behold God.

Saint Augustine

Six habits of highly effective dioceses

Ask God

H/T to my friend Lois

Source: Catholic Online

Why are some dioceses better at attracting vocations than others? In Tim Drake’s recent story “Vocations Surge,” the National Catholic Register provided some answers to that question.

Based on what we learned, here are six questions successful dioceses all answer

1. Is the Eucharist the center of vocation efforts?

2. Is the diocese unabashed about personally inviting men to be priests?

3. Is the seminary faithful to the magisterium of the church?

4. Are there many strong and faithful families to draw from?

5. Do young men know and interact with priests?

6. Did young people in the area go to World Youth Day?

For details on each habit, please click above.

- - -

Republished with permission by Catholic Online from the Jan. 28 - Feb. 3, 2007, National Catholic Register (, a Catholic Online Preferred Publishing Partner.

Latin America Needs Disciples

This article really struck a chord with me because members in of my family in South America, have left the Catholic Church to become evangelical Christians. One reason may be the financial assistance offered by the Protestant churches. It is tragic to learn that these once devout Catholic countries are becoming Protestants.

Latin America Needs Disciples, Pope Says
Continent Has "Urgent Need of a New Evangelization"

VATICAN CITY, JAN. 21, 2007 ( The message of salvation needs to
permeate the roots of cultures, Benedict XVI says.

He explained this on Saturday to the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America.

"It is necessary to proclaim the message of salvation in full, so that it permeates the roots of cultures and is incarnated in the present Latin American historical moment, to better respond to its needs and legitimate aspirations," the Holy Father said.

The Pope explained that the theme of the meeting -- "The Family and Christian Education in Latin America" -- was chosen thinking of the challenges posed by evangelization, and linked this to the 5th General Conference of the Episcopate of Latin America, which he will open in Brazil in May.

That conference "is called to be a renewed impulse to evangelization in that vast, eminently Catholic region of the world," the Pontiff added.

Enormous challenges

The present challenges of Latin America "are enormous," Benedict XVI said, mentioning cultural change generated by the media, migratory currents and their familial and religious repercussions, questions on how nations should assume their history and future, secularization, globalization, poverty, violence and drug-trafficking.

"Above all is seen the urgent need of a new evangelization, which will stimulate us to reflect further on the values of our faith, so that they will be sap and configure the identity of these beloved peoples who one day received the light of the Gospel," the Holy Father added.

When "faith is not nourished by prayer and meditation on the divine word, when sacramental life languishes, then sects and new pseudo-religious groups prosper, causing many Catholics to be estranged from the Church," he said.

The Pope explained: "Just by living intensely their love of Jesus Christ and dedicating themselves generously to the service of charity, his disciples will be eloquent and credible witnesses of the immense love of God for every human being.

"For the future of the Church in Latin America and the Caribbean, it is important that Christians deepen and assume the style of life proper to disciples of Jesus Christ: simple and joyful, with a solid faith rooted in the depth of the heart and nourished by prayer and the sacraments."

Family life

It is "in the family, in the parish and diocesan community"
where the true disciple grows, matures and becomes a missionary and "proclaims the person of Christ and his Gospel in all environments," the Pontiff stated.

"The patrimony of the faith is guarded in the family," he said. "In it,
the children receive the gift of life, feel loved just as they are and learn the values that will help them to live as children of God.

"The family, receiving the gift of life, becomes the proper environment to respond to the gift of vocation, especially now in which the need is greatly felt that the Lord send workers into his vineyard."

The Successful Homeschool: Some Key Ingredients

H/T to Sue

"A couple years back I attended the wedding reception of a childhood friend, a devout secularist. Although I preferred to banquet alongside old Uncle Hermie I was thoughtfully placed next to my chum’s pagan college roommate – an avowed Womyn, Hear Me Roar. (Something about being the same age; either that or her mother had finally devised a way to get me back for trying to convert her daughter.) We quickly found that we had nothing in common except being opinionated in English. As the conversation proceeded it came out that my husband (who was dutifully propping up his napkin) and I not only had four whole children but we were also homeschooling them. Gads! The womyn volunteered that some relative of hers was also doing that but that she and the family were decidedly against it for social reasons – visions of Boo Radley pacing behind boarded up windows and what not. She wanted to know what compelled people like us to do it. There were so many, I told her. “Top reason,” she commanded. After meditating for a minute I said, “I guess I just like the people.” She was dumbfounded. She expected me to say, “I don't like the schools; I wish to hide my kids from the world; I am a certified genius and so are my kids,” or words to that effect. “In fact,” said I, as she retracted her canines, “the social issue is what led me to homeschool in the first place.”
Click title above for the entire article.

Also, click HEREfor more articles relating to Catholic homeschooling.

Children's View of Angels

H/T to Sue

I only know the names of two angels. Hark and Harold. Gregory, 5

I hear angels all the time in my dreams. And I'm sticking with that no matter how many people tell me I'm crazy. Molly, 8

Everybody's got it all wrong. Angels don't wear halos anymore. I forget why but scientists are working on it. Olive, 9

It's not easy to become an angel! First, you die. Then you go to heaven then there's still the flight training to go through. And then you got to agree to wear those angel clothes. Matthew, 9

Angels work for God and watch over kids when God has to go do something else. Mitchell, 7

My guardian angel helps me with math, but he's not much good for science. Henry, 8

Angels don't eat but they drink milk from holy cows. Jack, 6

Angels talk all the way while they're flying you up to heaven. The basic message is where you went wrong before you got dead. Daniel, 9

When an angel gets mad, he takes a deep breath and counts to ten. And when he lets our his breath, somewhere there's a tornado. Regan, 10

Angels have a lot to do and they keep very busy. If you lose a tooth, an angel comes in through your window and leaves money under your pillow. Then when it gets cold, angels go north for the winter.

Angels live in cloud houses made by God and his son, who's a very good carpenter. Jared , 8

All angels are girls because they gotta wear dresses and boys didn't go for it. Antonia, 9

My angel is my grandma who died last year. She got a big head start on helping me while she was still down here on earth. Katelyn ,9

Some of the angels are in charge of helping heal sick animals and pets. And if they don't make the animals get better, they help the kid get over it. Vicki, 8

What I don't get about angels is why, when someone is in love, they shoot arrows at them. Sarah, 7.

Hill of Crosses

Hill of Crosses

H/T to Sue who shared the following:

Over the centuries, Catholics have risked death, and exile to Siberia to leave
their crosses and rosaries on this hill. It began in the 14th century when
Catholics were ordered to remove the crosses from within, and outside their
homes. Their response was to carry them, at risk of their lives, and leave them
on The Hill. Centuries later, the Communists tried to destroy The Hill by
various means, multiple times, but didn't succeed.
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To learn more and to see pictures, click HERE