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Please join the Missionaries of Charity in praying the novena to soon to be Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta. The novena started on August 27th but if possible, join in today.
f I ever become a Saint—I will surely be one of
“darkness.” I will continually be absent from
Heaven—to light the light of those in darkness
on earth
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
Dear Friends
May the Peace of Christ fill your heart as you place all your trust in Him.
I would like to invite you to pray with us the novena to Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Feast day on September 5, which starts on 27 August. Pray with us the novena to Blessed Teresa
Please know that we keep you and your intention is our prayers very especially during this novena.
Let us also implore God for the peace in the world for all famines and all those who suffer from natural disasters and for an end to abortion and euthanasia and a respect for every human life.
God bless you always
United in prayer
Sincerely yours in Jesus
Sr. M. Elia, M.C.
Program of Mother Teresas Connonizaion and first feast as St. Teresa Celebrations in Rome Follow the link: http://www.motherteresa.org/Can/program-eng.html
Just think that God is thirsting for you ....Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
I would like to invite you in this coming weeks to enter more deeply into the mystery of Jesus’ thirst and to satiate that thirst according to the example of Mother Teresa. On the 10th September will be the anniversary of Mother Teresa’s mystical encounter with Jesus, later called “Inspiration day” within the religious family she founded. We invite you, to join us in preparation. So that we, with St. John, “come to know and to believe in God’s love for us,” (1 Jn. 4:16) “Faith, which sees the love of God revealed in the pierced heart of Jesus on the Cross, gives rise to love. Love is the light – and in the end, the only light – that can always illuminate a world grown dim and gives us the courage needed to keep living and working. Love is possible, and we are able to practice it because we are created in the image of God. To experience love and in this way to cause the light of God to enter into the world …” (Encyclical Letter Deus Caritas Est January 25, 2006 Pope Benedict XVI) – this is the invitation Mother Teresa extends to us. Through these following meditations we invite you to enter more deeply into the mystery of Jesus’ thirst and to satiate that thirst according to the example of Mother Teresa, thus illuminating the world with His love.