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Source: Catholc Nerd Blog
Okay, I have to admit to you that this blog is just my all-time favorite. Too bad it hasn't been updated in a while.
However, I have found other sources that list more indications of being a Catholic Nerd. One place is Catholic Answers Forum The following are some of my favorites. Please feel free to add to the list.
..your biggest turn on is a man wearing a scapular! know what things Father Hardon says every Catholic should have on them at all times. Actually you get Catholic Nerd status just by knowing who Father Hardon is. feel guilty for missing daily Mass. have a special place for all of your religious art overflow, since there are only so many images of the Virgin Mary one room can handle.
... you get momentarily confused when you hear the word "discernment" referring to something besides trying to determine God's will. know which Eucharistic prayer is being used in 5 words or less.
...BVM and OLOG mean something to you. pick dates for significant events by looking up feast days. have more pictures of saints than of relatives on your walls.
...the only reading material you bring with you on a plane trip is Love and Responsibility by Karol Wojtyla and Triumph: The Power and Glory of the Catholic Church- A 2000 Year History by H.W. Crocker III
...when problems at work (or in life in general) get out of hand, you go looking for a good novena.
...somebody tells you they want to be a saint and you take them seriously.
...your daily planner is a "Liturgical Desk Calendar."
...when getting lost while driving, you don't get mad, you say, "well, at least we got to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet." have images of saints or Jesus stuck to your dash board, or your visor, or hanging from your rear view mirror. own one or more t-shirts that reference the Eucharist, the pope, the Rosary, Confession, or all of the above.
...your children can pronounce and define hypo-static union, ditto for transubstantiation.
....your gauge your movie pix based on their ratings: A-I, A-II, A-III, A-IV and O.
...your emergency kit contains not just duct tape and food bars, but a bottle of holy water, rosaries all around, and medals and prayer cards.
...knowing that a guy or girl goes to daily Mass is a big turn-on.
...the Angelus, rosary, Mass, and/or the liturgy of the hours makes a daily appearance in your life. stereotype people by their apostolate, i.e. Opus Dei, Regnum Christi, etc.
..."offer it up" is in your vocabulary (extra nerdiness if you add "for the good of the Mother Church") still sing "saved a wretch like me" and other un-PC lyrics (if you are actually singing you already knew you are an odd Catholic.) own one or more of the following, Witness to Hope, Canon Law, Daily Roman Missal, a Latin hymnal, Theology of the Body, the Suma, Confessions, Commentary of St. Jerome, an Ignatius Bible, Reed of God, This Tremendous Lover, umm well, I could spend the next hour cataloging my shelves on this blog, but I should get back to work, and I think you get the idea;) receive a invitation to dinner that warns you that it will violate your Friday fast, and so you may wish to choose an alternate fast for that day if you attend. and your friends break out a calendar, (one of the free ones that your Parish gives away) and go through it to see whose feast days are when. (I suppose if you are a true Catholic nerd, you would already know :) know the words to Tantum Ergo, Salve Regina, Ave Maria, Panis Angelicus, ____________ (fill in you favorite Latin Hymn)
I also visited St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Exchange Blog today and found another interesting entry. This one dealt with the topic of silence.
The following is an excerpt:
"But, in the midst of the novel, there is solid spiritual advice good for all of us today. It's obvious that Gironella is Catholic. Here is the advice in the confessional that one of the priests in the novel gives the young man, a bank clerk, who is one of the main characters in the book:
I would advise you to do one thing that may seem to you irrelevant: a silence cure. Try it, and tell me how it works out. Manage to go a few days, a couple of weeks, talking as little as possible. Work silently at the bank, study in silence, and economize on words as much as possible. You will see the effects. Almost immediately you will feel a greater serenity. You will find that you pay attention and see things much more clearly. Words distract a great deal, you can't imagine. You come across men who, to hear them talk, you would say were enemies. And basically they are in agreement without knowing it. Others, on the contrary, talk, thinking that they understand one another, and basically, they continue poles apart.
Above all, remember this that I tell you: pay attention. Give your full attention to everything you do, everything you hear. You will discover new worlds. . . . There is no thing or person that cannot teach you something. The same thing is happening to you now that happens to most people: they don't fix their attention. We move like automatons. That is a mistake. There must be reflection. When you hear some new theory, don't say: False! Think that there are thousands who have thought about it before you. But, at the same time, don't say: the Gospel! There is only one gospel: love God and your neighbor.
If you pay attention--and don't think that all these theories are mine--they are St. Augustine's--you will without fail discover something very important: harmony. You will realize that there is harmony in everything, that everything forms part of a harmonious whole. Those very events that at first sight seem startling, you will come to understand as logical, as contributing to something harmonious and great. You will find harmony in the smallest details. This will assist you in no end in ordering your daily life. Your spirit will feel itself strengthened by forming part of that harmonious whole."
Gironella, pp. 415-16 (emphasis added).
Don't waste energy on things that generate worry, anxiety and anguish.
Only one thing is necessary:
Lift up your spirit and love God.
Padre Pio
Hat tip to Sue.
"For Catholics to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in Holy
Communion while in the state of mortal sin (having committed a mortal or
grave sin which has not been confessed and forgiven in Sacramental
Confession) is itself a mortal sin --- a mortal sin of Sacrilege." So writes Fr. Stefano Manelli.
What is there to say about the great purity of soul with which the saints approached to receive the bread of Angels? We know that they had a great delicacy of conscience which was truly angelic. Aware of their own misery, they tried to present themselves to Jesus "holy and immaculate," (Eph. 1:4) repeating with the Republican , "O God, be merciful to me a sinner" (Luke 18:13), and having recourse with great care to the cleansing of Confession.
To read what other saints have to say about this CLICK HERE
Book cover courtesy of Theotokos

In a previous post CLICK HERE TO READ, I shared with you Francis Phillips' review of the Donal Foley book Understanding Medjugorje
When I received the book, which Mr. Foley helped me obtain in the United States and a big mahalo to him for that, I was determined to read the book with an open mind.
Prior to learning of this particular book, there were times I believed in the apparitions I say that because, although I have never felt any draw to the Gospa's appearances there, I personally knew many people, including a priest who is very orthodox when it comes to church teachings, and friends who were brought back to the fold because of Medjugorje. All of these people "reverted" back to the Catholic faith because of Medjugorje. Even my own dear mom was a devotee of these apparitions and every since the 80's, she was determined to bring one of my brothers there to help his conversion.
So you see, I had no reason to doubt the apparitions. Yet I didn't believe wholeheartedly.
Donal Foley's book is written in a matter of fact way. He was not a harsh critic nor did he condemn the apparitions. He laid out the facts for the reader step-by-step. The followers and supporters have certain arguments as to why they believe these apparitions to be genuine. Mr. Foley counters each one of these arguments with logical explanations and questions.
Another way of presenting the argument against these apparitions was by comparing Mary's messages and the behavior of these visionaries to a true and church approved apparition such as that of Fatima and the seers there, the little shepherd children.
The book Understanding Medjugorge is highly recommended reading.
For another commentary of the Medjugorje apparitions, please see Mary Ann Kreitzer's article which can be FOUND HERE
Poster courtesy of Olivia Hussey Online
Recently a friend emailed me a lovely powerpoint presentation of Mother Teresa. It was full of her beautiful and thought provoking quotes. If you would like to see it, please feel free to emai me and I will be glad to send it to you.
Which brings me to a wonderful movie my family and I watched tonight. It was a story on the life of Mother Teresa starting from her life as a schoolteacher in India to the end of her life.
She is portrayed in the movie by actress Olivia Hussey. Some of you may remember her as the Mother of Jesus in the movie Jesus of Nazareth.
Ms. Hussey does an incredible job of bringing Mother Teresa to life for us. She somehow captured Mother's mannerisms and with a little help of make-up, she looked a little like dear Mother Teresa...but not quite.
My family strongly recommends that if you have an opportunity to watch this movie, do so with your entire family. The only fault we found with the movie was the it went along very well from beginning, capturing the viewers attention. However, during the end, it is rushed to conclude. Still , worthwhile to see.