Since Saturday is traditionally the day most people would go to Confession, I thought I would share the following reflection:
"Satan loves sin and hates the grace of Confession that comes to us through the power of the cross of Christ. The devil will try to stop you from going to Confession. He will make you feel frightened, embarrassed, proud, filled with despair or anger. The holy Bishop, Saint Antoninus said, 'The devil takes our shame away so that we sin with ease and then gives it back when we think about going to confession.' In other words, the suppression of shame that makes sin possible, flares up again to make Confession seem impossible."The devil also causes trouble after confession. Have you ever noticed that after leaving the confessional, you feel that the weight of the world has been lifted from you shoulders, yet before you know it, situations come up and you are sinning again, albeit venial sins?
"if the idea of Confession makes you feel uneasy, turn for help tot he Mother of God. Ask her to fill your heart with confidence in Christ's love for you, His desire to forgive your sins. She will help you think of Him hanging on the cross in agony, praying for you and your conversion. He is thirsty for your love. Quench that thirst by confessing your sins. Ask the Virgin Mary to take you by the hand and bring you to Jesus in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Through her motherly help you will feel the freedom to open your heart to the mercy that flows from the wounded Heart of Jesus Christ".Source: A Guide to Confession by Rev. Frederick L. Miller and published through through the Blue Army Shrine.
For a guide to confession, please visit Fr. Z's 20 Tips for Making a Good Confession