"The source and summit of our faith is the Holy Eucharist" - Fr. Donald Calloway

My family and I attended the Divine Mercy Conference on Friday. It was held for a couple of reasons. Firstly, many people had responded positively to the conference held by the
Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy held two years ago and had requested another conference. Secondly, it was in celebration of the 10th Anniversary of Our Lady of Good Counsel's Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. It was a three day conference which included youth session. We attended the Friday evening session.
Four speakers had been invited to this conference. Fr. Donald Calloway, Fr. Deogratias Rwegasira, AJ, Bob and Maureen Digan. Unfortunately, Maureen was unable to travel.
Did you know that the two miracles that were approved for Sister Faustina's beatification and canonization, were both in the United States? Well, Maureen Digan was one of those who was the recipient of St. Faustina's intercession and ultimate miracle by God.

The conference started off with the prayer of the Holy Rosary and then the celebration of the Holy Mass. After a short break, Fr. Calloway was the first to speak.
As usual, he held his audience captive with the story of his conversion. He also reminded us over and over again about God's Divine Mercy. He specifically reminded us that our dear bishop Larry had consecrated the State of Hawaii to the Divine Mercy. When the earthquake hit the Big Island not too long ago, no one was killed.
Father Calloway told us that Kauai also has a EADM division there. That may be the reason that the only abortion provider on that island was recently closed. Thank God!
Father Calloway opened our eyes to the fact that never before in the history of mankind has Mary been appearing more frequently all over the world. It is when times are tough that God sends His mother to us for help and more importantly to persistently correct us.
BTW, did you know that the first apparition was when our Blessed Mother appeared to Saint James? In 40 A.D. while Mary was still alive, she appeared to St. James in Saragossa, Spain.
Families are in need of Divine Mercy. Marriage is under attack, the family is under attack starting with abortion and other evil things that destroy the family, God's Domestic Church.
It is no wonder then, that in our time, God chose John Paul II to be Christ's Vicar on Earth.
John Paul II:
- He rescued and gave us the Divine Mercy message.
- He proclaimed Divine Mercy Sunday.
- He wrote
Dives in Misericordia - Rich in Mercy
- God took him home on the Vigil of Divine Mercy
Father Calloway made the following comparison for those who are suffering from the effects of serious sin in their lives:
The Catholic Church is the hospital
Jesus is the Divine Physician
The Blessed Sacrament is medicine for the soul. It is radiation therapy when we come to the Son in adoration. He makes our souls beautiful again.
We are in a war, a war where Good is fighting evil. How do we arm ourselves? We use the most powerful weapons against Satan, the Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
One of the last things I remember Father Calloway stressing is that we should be merciful to members of our own family...until it hurts.

The second speaker of the evening started speaking after the Eucharistic Procession into the Church. Father Deogratias Rwegasira, A.J. is a missionary priest of the Apostles of Jesus and is a composer and musician. He spoke on the history on how he came to compose the music for the Divine Mercy Chaplet as well as one of the Fatima prayers. A very interesting story which includes the healing of a woman who sang on his CD and whose husband is a relative of Blessed Andre Bessette! It is because of this couple that Father has been able to promote his CD which supports 166 seminarians!
Father Deo arrived in the United States from Kenya, April 30th 2000, the first Sunday after Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday, when Sister Faustina was canonized.

Father Deo stressed that we should always pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet in front of a person we know is very sick or may be dying. That person then will receive all the graces of Divine Mercy.
Father led us in singing the Divine Mercy Chaplet in front of the Blessed Sacrament, exposed.
It was a very beautiful time of Adoration.
To learn more about the organizers and attendees, please be sure to visit
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