Thursday, October 09, 2008

Prayer in Time of Economic Hardship

Praying Hands
I found this prayer in one of my prayer books. I hope it helps someone who may be needing it. I also encourage those who can to offer this prayer for those in need.
Heavenly Father,
it is symptomatic of our life today
that economics plays a large part in it.
People labor zealously for a wage
so that they can acquire the needs of life
for themselves and t heir families.
They also work for the so-called luxuries of life,
for the opportunity to have more leisure
to develop themselves in more ways,
and to keep up with their particular state of life.
Right now I find myself in a bad economic condition.
I just cannot seem to make enough money
to take care of myself and my family.
Please help me in this danerous situation.
Teach me to live within my means
while at the same time striving to increase those means.
Let me never lose heart but continue to work on.
Most of all, inspire me to seek first your kingdom
in the knowledge that everything else will be givne me together with it.
- New Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book


Roz said...


Thank you for posting this prayer! It is so timely and I pray that many others read your blog and this prayer at this time.

Let's continue to pray and trust Him!

Love and blessings to you, Roz

Easter Almuena said...

God be praised! I was just thinking of a prayer along this line and here it is! :-) I will post this tomorrow and link to yours...
Thanks and lots of love,

EC Gefroh said...

Thanks Roz and Easter. Actually, you gave me an idea. I think I will post the prayer on the sidebar.

Love and blessings to both of you.