Friday, October 17, 2008

Fine Art Friday Extra - Famous Paintings - FreeRice

Van Gogh Starry Night
Free Rice - Famous Paintings

How well do you know your art? Take the quiz and donate rice at the same time.


Spence Ohana said...

1720 grains of rice! :-)
That was a fun quiz, I couldn't believe how much I remembered from my art history courses in college! LOL I love art. Did I tell you I work for a Fine Art company now? It's fun being around it so much again - although my company mainly works with transitional and contempory artist.

Jean Heimann said...


I had so much playing this game, it was difficult to stop.:)Thanks for posting this!

EC Gefroh said...

That is pretty good Melissa. BTW, great job for an art love like yourself.

Jean, it is addictive. I keep the link open so I can play.