Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Coming Home - Hawaiian Style

The Diocese of Honolulu is currently featuring a program geared at inviting back Catholics who have left the Catholic Church. Here is one story. I did not know this gentlemen's name until today even though I have seen him at various functions, including monthly Nocturnal Adoration.

Hawaii Reporter - Life Journey Leads Back to Catholicism


Easter Almuena said...

That is my dear friend, Vinny (it's "i" not "e" to some of us). He and Jessica are an awesome couple. Hurray! :-)

Thanks for posting this, Esther. I think you have to come back to my post about Evann. Lots of laughs there for you. :-)

Roz said...

Wow, what a beautiful testimony from this lovely couple. I am so happy for them and happy that you posted it. Their story rings true for so many of us "cradle Catholics". Blessings to you Esther!

EC Gefroh said...

Like I told you Easter, I mentioned that to him and he just smiled :-)

It was a very inspiring. Thanks Roz. Blessing to you too.