Wednesday, September 26, 2007


The following was shared with me by my friend Mary Ann of The Friends of the Holy Souls


An Emblem of Love

What is the

Ever since the day, in the late seventeenth century, when St. Margaret Mary set up a little picture of the divine Heart for honoring by her fellow religious, many types of Sacred Heart badges and medals have appeared. But the Sacred Heart Badge, often encased in plastic, is the most popular of all.

This official badge bears the image of Our Lord on one side, showing us His Heart and pleading for men's love, even as He showed Himself to St. Margaret Mary in 1674. The reverse side shows the Heart alone, encircled with thorns, the Cross buried within it, and the flames of divine love bursting from it. This side bears the indulgenced aspiration: "Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy Kingdom Come."

A plastic covering gives durability, necessary with respect to Indulgences. But equally valid is any firm backing: heavy cloth, felt, metal, etc.
The Badge is an external sign of the union we cultivate with Christ as the Head.


Perhaps the easiest answer would be: "Almost everybody." That is, almost every Catholic has at one time or other carried in pocket, purse, wallet, or about his person this emblem of love.

One thinks of the sudden cessation of the Great Plague devastating Marseilles in 1720, following the citizens' throwing of themselves upon the mercy of the divine Heart and each fashioning for himself a Sacred Heart Badge.

One thinks of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini in New York and New Orleans and elsewhere, busy with her distribution of countless Badges to men and women in all walks of life. Or of the thousands of invalids who have known an added measure of encouragement and hope as the Badge was pinned to their clothing. Or of the members of American armed forces who have asked for and treasured the Badge.

Certainly to all devotees of the divine Heart, the Badge is precious. It remains indeed a white and red badge of courage, of trust in Our Lord, and of love for Him.



"Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy Kingdom Come!"
For saying this ejaculation, the Faithful may gain an:
Indulgence of 300 Days each time.

Imprimatur, New York, November, 1955
Francis Cardinal Spellman, D.D.

Where can you get your own Sacred Heart Badge? Well, how about the same place our family got ours Tradition, Family and Property/America Needs Fatima


Anne Bender said...

You can also get a Sacred Heart badge and other Sacred Heart of Jesus items from the Apostleship of Prayer which promotes this devotion. Visit the catalog link to order.

Great post! Thanks for the information!

EC Gefroh said...

Thanks so much, Anne.