Thursday, September 24, 2009

More on Becoming a Spiritual Child of St. Padre Pio

Padre Pio

If you remember I recently shared about becoming a spiritual child of St. Padre Pio here.

There is another way you can apply to become his spiritual child:
How to become Padre Pio's spiritual child

Padre Pio, during his lifetime, accepted many people as his spiritual children. When assured of their goodwill, he always told them: "I accept you, but don't make me lose face." Today many of his devotees still want to become his spiritual children. What are they to do?

They must comply with the following conditions:
1. Live intensely a life of divine grace
2. Prove their faith by words and actions
3. Desire to remain under the protection of the Servant of God, Padre Pio
4. Imitate the venerable Padre in his love for Jesus Crucified, for the Most Blessed Sacrament, for our Lady, the Pope and the entire Church
5. Practice sincere charity towards all

Application should be made in writing.
Postulation for Padre Pio's Cause
Our Lady of Grace Capuchin Friary
71013 San Giovanni Rotondo, FG, ITALY
Voice Office: (0882) 417294
English Office: (0882) 417214 - Fax: (0882) 417241
Friary: (0882) 4171 - Fax: (0882) 417252

Perpetual Mass remembrance
A Mass is offered daily for all enrolled, both living and dead. The usual offering is $6. Enrollment may be made individually or by family.
Please visit St. Monica's Kneeler for more information.

H/T Sue


Roz said...

Hi Esther, The Holy Spirit must be moving both of our hearts towards thinking of St. Padre Pio. I was listening to one of Catholic Answers Podcasts yesterday on the commute home and it was all about St. Padre Pio and included instructions to become his spiritual children. Last night before bed, I went to the American Padre Pio group on the web and found the instructions.....then I read your blog post and found the same. All I can think and say is "Wow" that's really something! I would like to write and request becoming one of St. Padre Pio's spiritual children, but how do I know that I'm living in enough grace to be worthy? Thanks, Roz

EC Gefroh said...

Roz, I think Padre Pio has already answered you with all these signs.