Monday, January 05, 2009

Beautiful Video Hawaiian Style

You can watch it here


Roz said...

Dear Esther,

I would like to request permission to post 2 images from your blog in my message for today. I think that these two images are your work: "Call Your Mother -- with the image of a Rosary" and "Cradle Catholic".

I have posted them and if you do not approve of my use of these then I will delete them immediately.

I hope you are well in Hawaii and also I am so grateful for my new Patron Saints. I need all the help in life that I can get.


Michelle said...

Thanks for sharing!
Ahh, it looks so beautiful in Hawaii. Me and my family have to travel there sometime.

EC Gefroh said...

The Rosary one isn't mine Roz but you are more than welcome to use the other one which is mine.

Michelle, you'll never want to leave.