Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Battle for Life

Fr. Groeschel
Quote from Father Benedict Groeschel:

"We did not declare war on Obama; Obama declared war on us."

Father Groeschel was referring to pro-lifers vs. the culture of death on his program today.


Anonymous said...

Today in the Diocese of Burlington, we signed postcards to our two senators and one congressman, asking them not to support FOCA. One of our senators, Bernie Sanders, and our lone congressman, Peter Welch, are both co-sponsors of FOCA, while our senior senator, Patrick Leahy, a Catholic, didn't co-sponsor the measure.
I understand the postcard action stems from efforts from the United States Conference of Bishops. Anyway, we dropped our postcards in the collection basket during Mass.

A Secular Franciscan said...

Great quote! Thanks for making me aware of it.

John Michael said...


Fr. Groeschel is dead on. Unfortunately, most people don't know it.


Gina said...

I agree, Fr Groeschel is spot on.
Thanks 4 sharing the quote Esther.

SQUELLY said...

Brilliant quote- it is an underhand war at that. He won't even declare it openly like an honest man.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

At St. John's yesterday we also sent our "cards for life" to our government representatives. Oddly enough as part of my RCIA presentation yesterday on the Sacrament of Matrimony, I spoke on the dignity of life. The Spirit does move us to take a stand. Have a grand day! Cathy

Lisa said...

Yes, this is so. What a wonderful quote. I'm starting to get tired already of all the call for patience with Obama. It's very clear already that he will come through on all his campaign promises contrary to life and morality. It's sad to have to feel negative about the man, and where there is life there is always hope. But Obama has definitely declared war on those of us who hold life sacred.

Joyful Days said...


Roz said...


Thank you for posting Father Groeschel's words! How true . . . let us all continue to pray to our Lady for her intercession and her Son's miracles to change the heart of Obama, just as St. Paul's heart was converted. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! And ask everyone you know to join us in this spiritual warfare!

Ann Murray said...

Great post, Esther, and good to see it's getting such a favourable response.

Tracy said...

Fabulous quote!!!

EC Gefroh said...

Gail, join the club...Rep. Neil Abercrombie (D-HI) was also a co-sponsor. We filled them out yesterday too and our priest gave a wonderful pro-life homily against FOCA.

YW Lee, Gina.

JM: Or they don't want to know it like the pro-life Catholics who voted for Obama.

Squelly, which is why he overturned the funding of abortions in Mexico on a Friday afternoon.

Cathy, good for you for listening to the Holy Spirit!

Lisa, how can we possibly have patience? Imagine all the more lives that would be lost if we did.

JD: Yup, that Fr. G. knows what he is talking about.

Roz, I am praying daily for his conversion.

Ann, I guess it spoke to everyone.

Marie said...

When Obama was elected I wept! Then I became angry that SO many 'christians' voted for him..This is NOT history in the making it is a TRAGEDY in the making folks! Get real!

Fr. Groeschel is spot on thank God someone can see past the fog of personality cult!

Peace and love to you my friend:)

Marie xoxooxoxoo Rant over.

EC Gefroh said...

I thought so too Tracy!

Marie, as my husband says, the Catholics who voted for him have blood on their hands.