Sunday, December 02, 2007

Happy New Liturgical Year and First Day of Advent

You are welcome to the above wreath here or in the side bar which is smaller.

Let us pray.
O God,
You willed that, at the message of an angel,
Your Word should take flesh
in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
grant to Your suppliant people,
that we, who, believe her to be truly the Mother of God,
may be helped by her intercession with You.
Through the same Christ our Lord.


Tracy said...

Happy New Liturgical year and Advent to you Esther, I love this day, I loved the readings at Mass today, they filled me with such a wonderful peace.
I love the lighting of that first advent candle, it just is such a special moment.

EC Gefroh said...

Mahalo Tracy. Same to you and your dear family! I can't wait until we light ours tonight.

Easter Almuena said...

Happy 1st Sunday of Advent, Esther! Thank you, yes, I think I will use your wreath.
Have a Blessed Week to you and all your readers!

Alexandra said...

Peace and joy Esther. Thanks for the wreath.

EC Gefroh said...

Thank you Easter and Alexandra and you're welcome :-)