Sunday, December 09, 2007

Advent Wreath for the Second Week of Advent


Unknown said...

Thank you! I just posted it in my blog ;)

EC Gefroh said...

My pleasure!

Anonymous said...

I have a traditional Swedish one on my blog, check it out :)

I hope next Christmas, to buy a Catholic Advent Wreath from ebay or somewhere that ships worldwide :)

hugs, Heather

Michele said...

thanks esther!

Anonymous said...

esther can you re-switch my email addy over on EAT google groups to my gmail? because now I am having probs accessing my ringen mail :(

Jean Heimann said...

Thanks, Esther! I like your Advent wreath, which coordinates well with the colors on my blog.

Ana said...
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Ana said...

Thanks again Esther! God bless!

Tracy said...

THANKS ESTHER!! Just posted it on my blog!!!

EC Gefroh said...

Heather, I saw your wreath. It is so pretty! Thanks. BTW, I took care of changing your email for you.

You are welcome everyone. My pleasure!