Our Lady revealed the following to Blessed Alan de la Roche:
Know, my son, and make all others know, that it is a probable and proximate sign of eternal damnation to have an aversion, a lukewarmness, or a negligence in saying the Angelical Salutation, which has repaired the whole world."Excerpt from True Devotion to Mary by st. Louis De Montfort.
These words are at once terrible and consoling, and we should find it hard to believe them if we had not that holy man for a guarantee, and St. Dominic before him, and many great men since.
But we have also the experience of several ages; for it has always been remarked that those who wear the outward sign of reprobation, like all impious heretics and proud worldlings, hate or despise the Hail Mary and the Rosary.
Heretics still learn and say the Our Father, but not the Hail Mary nor the Rosary.
They abhor it, they would rather wear a serpent than a Rosary.
The proud also, although Catholics, have the same inclinations as their father Lucifer; and so have only contempt or indifference for the Hail Mary, and look at the Rosary as a devotion which is good only for the ignorant and for those who cannot read.
On the contrary, it is an equally universal experience that those who have otherwise great makers of predestination about them love and relish the Hail Mary, and delight in saying it. We always see that the more a man is for God, the more he likes that prayer...