After almost 4 months MIA, our pet Honey has returned to the fold. The prodigal cat is back home!
It was quite an adventure for our wayward kitty. She went missing the day after my birthday in December and found while my father was in the hospital a little over two weeks ago. (Note: She was actually brought home a couple of days ago.) My husband shared a detailed account with me on how he eventually got her home. Suffice to say, that he saw a wild cat transformed into the sweet and affectionate cat we knew, as soon as she got home.
There are a few people that need to be thanked.
First of all, I truly believe my dear ol' dad helped me get my cat back. He knew how heartbroken I was about her being lost. Now that he is able to help his loved ones, he didn't hesitate us recover our pet.
My husband also believes St. Francis' intercession had a hand in this small miracle. My sister who also firmly believes my dad helped us, reminded me that my father had a deep devotion to St. Francis, the patron saint of animals. He had a big garden statue of St. Francis in a prominent place in room.
It was my father and mother's love of animals that all of us inherited.
Okay, now for the people who helped:
- My friends like Betty, who knew Honey would be found. She shared with me a St. Martin de Porres connection one morning when she walked home from Mass. St. Martin de Porres is another patron saint of animals.
- My homeschooling friends who prayed for Honey to be found and continually asked about any updates.
- Our neighbors who actually went beyond the call of duty in helping us search high and low for this cat! Jon, Barbara, Takeo, Wyman, et al.
- The security guards all over town who couldn't have been nicer when we posted signs and asked them to keep an eye open for the krazy kat.
- The many people who called us when they saw our Lost Cat signs all over our neighborhood. The last one, actually paid off. It was a good thing we never dismissed any call even though it seemed like a slim chance it was Honey.
It was a feral cat colony caregiver who called us. She was sure this cat was different than the rest. She called because she saw the sign I posted in the area where she fed the cats.
- My family who commiserated with me.
I know I am forgetting many, many people for their help and I'm sorry about that. We are very appreciative though.
And, last but not least my husband Dan who suffered with me when we lost Honey. He actually felt my pain and prayed, prayed and never gave up hope.
He is the actually cat-lover in the family.