Sunday, January 06, 2008

Feast of the Epiphany


Prayer That Christ May be Known to All

O Lord,
give us a new Epiphany
when you will be manifested to the world:
to those who do not know you,
to those who do not want you,
to those who vilify your name,
to throe who oppress your Mystical Body,
to those who deny you,
and to all those who unconsciously long for you.

Bring the day closer
when all people will know and love you
together with the Father
and the Holy Spirit--
and the Kingdom of God will have arrived.

Prayer to the Infant King

O Jesus,
the Magi offered you revealing gifts:
gold because you are our King;
frankincense, because you are our God;
and myrrh, because you are our Redeemer.
Like the Magi,
I offer you my gifts:
the gold of my earnest love as your faithful subject;
the frankincense of frequent prayer as your creature;
and the myrrh of a generous self-sacrifice as a sinner.

From Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book, Catholic Book Publishing.


  1. Esther these are beautiful. I posted them here ( with credit to you. I just love them.

  2. Happy Feast Day to you!

  3. Glad you liked it Sunny.

    Thanks Mimi!

  4. Thanks to your post and Fr. V's, we got to bless our home! :-)
    Much love,

  5. That's wonderful Easter!!
    God bless,
