Thursday, January 10, 2008

Love is...

- swift,

- pure,

- dutiful,

- pleasant,

- agreeable,

- strong,

- patient,

- faithful,

- prudent,

- long-suffering;

- manly,

- never seeking its own advantage

- wary,

- humble,

- upright;

- it is not soft,

- it is not unstable,

- it is not intent on empty trifles;

- sober,

- chaste,

- steadfast,

- keeping due watch on all the senses,

- submissive,

- obedient to those in authority,

- mean and contemptible in its own regard;

- To God it is always devout and thankful,

- ever trusting and hoping in Him even when it cannot taste His sweetness.

From Chapter 5 of the Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis.


  1. Esther, your blog is full of such wonderful inspirations. I find information here that I don't see elsewhere.


  2. Oh Mahalo dear Mary Ellen for your kind comment!
    God bless,
