Sunday, January 06, 2008

Inward Consolation

Young Jesus and Lamb
On the Way Christ Speaks inwardly to the Soul.
Blessed is the soul that hears the Lord speaking within her and receives from his lips words that bring her comfort.

Blessed are the ears that catch the soft whisper of God's voice and pay no heed to the muttering voices of this world

Blessed indeed the ears that listen not to the voices that ring out around them, but to him who inwardly teaches the truth.

Blessed are the eyes that are shut to things outside, their gaze fixed on inward things.

Blessed are those who make their way through to the heart of the inward life, who strive daily more and more to prepare themselves for the reception of heavenly secrets.

Blessed are those who long to give all their time to God and shake themselves free of all the trammels of this world.

...Shut fast the doors in the face of all that comes through the senses, that so you may hear what the Lord your God is peaking withing you.
What our Beloved Lord says:

"I am your well-being, your peace your life.

Keep close beside me, and you will find peace.

Let go of all things that pass away and seek those that last for ever.

What are all the things of time but things that lead you away from me?

What help is there for you in anything created if he who made you forsakes you?

Then give up your claim to all else and make yourself a faithful and pleasing servant of your Creator; so you will be enabled to bring real happiness within your grasp."

From Book III, Chapter 1, Imitation of Christ, Thomas A Kempis.

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