Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Promoting Modesty in Fashion Modeling

The lovely Marie has written a piece on her blog Big is Beautiful on Pure Fashion where modesty is promoted when modeling.
A Celebration of Style and Virtue
As Marie wrote:
Teenagers also need help in accepting that they are beautiful no matter their size. On this site the models represent all sizes whether they be slim or curvaceous, mainly because their objective is to promote self esteem and to show that no matter what size you are, you can look fantastic.
I wish they had helped teens when I was a teen. It is not only the overweight teens who may have self-esteem issues, it also happens to underweight teens as well.


  1. What a great post. Not only does it apply to teens, but to many women under thirty (and a few over too). I am all for fashion, I just don't need to see everything.

  2. You are so right Ellen!

  3. Anonymous6:39 PM


    thankyou for the link hon:). I just so long to have ALL women accept who they are. So many women no matter their age are being driven by the media. Where has the media ever made sense?

    Once again many thanks:)

    Peace & blessings


  4. You linked to Marie and I linked to you.. the news will get out there about this great site hopefully!!

    God bless,

  5. Oh thank you Marie! You wrote a wonderful piece on this topic.

    That's wonderful Sallie! Mahalo and God bless.
