Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Mother Teresa and the Heart of Motherhood


Over at Embracing Motherhood Donna reminds us that tomorrow is the Feast Day of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

In reading Donna's book The Heart of Motherhood, I am struck by the deep influence Mother Teresa had on Donna in her vocation as a mother.

Donna actually knew a saint personally and learned so much from her.

Also, if you haven't put Donna's book on your To Read list, you are really doing yourself a disservice. Every day I read a few passages or a few paragraphs right before Mass. It gives me the inspiration I need, along with the Eucharist of course, to face another day as a mother, especially when the day is challenging.

The little book is is filled with practical spiritual advice for busy moms, especially for those of young children. It has prayers to help lift you up and many good quotes by saints to be like our dear John Paul II, and of course Mother Teresa.

Thank you again Donna for writing this book!


  1. Thank you, dear Esther! You are very kind. I am so glad that you are receiving inspiration from my book. :) I pray that you will have a blessed day tomorrow on the feast of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta!

    God bless!

  2. Thank you Donna. There are so many times I just want to take parts of your book and post it on my blog! :-)
    God bless,

  3. Feel free to use short excerpts, Esther.

    God bles syou!

  4. Oh thank you Donna!
