Tuesday, September 04, 2007


especially if that teacher is your parent

As is our family homeschooling tradition, Joey and I attended morning Mass together and we prayed for a successful homeschooling year. We then went out for breakfast. Joey chose Big City Diner as a change of pace. Unfortunately dear old dad also began work today so he was unable to join us. Such is the life of a college professor.

The following back-to-school prayer is courtesy of Sarah

We thank you for the fragrance of a new box of crayons, Lord,
the rainbow in each perfect row;
thank you for each bundle of snowy white notebook paper,
awaiting fresh possibilities.
May they remind us that you make all things new
and bless us with abundance.
Thank you for this ruler,
for every eraser that tops every pencil.
May they help us remember to measure our blessings
but never your boundless love for us,
to allow for the making of mistakes
as a normal part of human learning.
As we lay out our new clothes
for these first days of school,
help us remember to put on Christ each day, too,
and to “clothe the naked” as he asked us.
But mostly, God, help us remember
that Jesus is always our best and most devoted teacher—
that we never outgrow all his lessons
on how you want us to live and to love.

and Easter

Teacher Blessing

Bless our teachers, Jesus,

with wisdom and good humor,

with an understanding heart and open mind,

with great love for following you.

—Prayer Services for Parishes

Student Blessing

Jesus, fill our children with your peace,

teach our children how to pray,

show our children how to love.

—Prayer Services for Parishes

Christ’s love and our faith in that love

should pervade everything we do—work, study, play.

-St. John Bosco


  1. May it be a blessed and fruitful school year!

    My kids go back tomorrow.

  2. Thank you Mimi! Do you homeschool? Sorry I forget.

  3. No, I don't. It is hard to keep everyone straight on those kinds of things, I totally understand.

  4. Anonymous3:47 PM

    May God bless this new schoolyear
    (Thank God, Im out of school (college) finally!)

    btw may I ask what does your husband teach?

  5. Mahalo MM! BTW, my dh teaches math.
