Thursday, March 15, 2007

Project - Eucharist Adoration in the USA

Eucharistic Adoration

My friend Sue shared the following today:

"Linda Schubert is a world-renowned Catholic author, and she is preparing to release a new book this summer entitled Altogether Lovely - Eucharistic Adoration around the USA. She needs Eucharistic Adorers to participate in the preparation of the content. If you would like to participate, please review the simple steps below and contact Linda to be a part of this beautiful endeavor".

March 15, 2007

Dear Friends,

Subject: An invitation to submit input for upcoming book: Altogether Lovely…Eucharistic Adoration around the USA

Deadline for input: June 15, 2007

You are invited to participate in a project for Catholic brothers and sisters in the USA, who share our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and who believe in the mystery of the Holy Eucharist – i.e. the true presence of His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the consecrated host. You are free to email this invitation to others who share your faith.

This project consists of a book which will be compiled and edited by Linda Schubert, author of the Miracle Hour, a book widely used in adoration chapels around the USA. It will be published by a well known Catholic publishing house (details to be finalized soon). It may include photographs of some of the different monstrances with the Consecrated Host, from churches in the USA. The idea is inspired by a wonderful book, Hidden in the Host, recently published by Linda Schubert’s friends in Malta with input from various European countries. They have blessed our USA version.

We are looking for submissions from prayerful Catholics in every state in the USA, young and old, including the various ethnic communities. That input would include a holy reflection written specifically for the book. If you would like to be one of the representatives of your state to submit a holy reflection/prayer, please read the following conditions:

1. We are looking for input from Catholics who believe in the true presence – Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Consecrated Host.

2. You would need to spend at least five hours in adoration of the Holy Eucharist (not necessarily all at one time) before sending a reflection.

3. Writing will not exceed three sentences or 60 words.

4. The words would be a result of your 5+ hours of adoration. Following the writing, include a verse of scripture appropriate to the message.

5. All prayerful/prophetic reflections to be submitted no later than June 15, 2007. Feel free to submit as an email attachment a photographic image of the monstrance in your chapel with the consecrated host with the understanding that it may (or may not) be included in the book.

6. If the one making the submission is a lay person, please submit your writing first to your pastor/spiritual director or prayer group leader and include from them a note confirming your submission.

7. Input accepted for publication will include the name of the writer and the ministry (if applicable) with which they are associated. The publisher will have the final say about what material is included.

Please send your input via email to Linda Schubert at

May the Lord open your ears to hear Him more clearly as you sit quietly before Him in your holy hours. May He give you the loving words of healing and hope and comfort to share with His beloved.
You are in my prayers
Linda Schubert
(408) 734 8663

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