Thursday, March 15, 2007

12 Reasons to Pray for the Dead

Holy Souls The picture is a copy of the relief sculpture made of plexiglass done by artist Bro. Ton Raymundo which was unveiled during the First National Congress of PWHS on July 29, 2000. Picture courtesy of The Prayer Warriors of Holy Souls

H/T to
The Friends of the Holy Souls

1. Obey the Lord and His Church,

2. Love our neighbor,

3. Express our unity with the other members of God's family,

4. Help purify people in Purgatory,

5. Help those in Purgatory go to Heaven,

6. Face death and thereby become more aware of reality,

7. Express and strengthen our faith in the power of prayer,

8. Receive the benefit of the prayers of those in Purgatory (Catechism, 958),

9. Rejoice, for all those in Purgatory have given their lives to Jesus and will go to Heaven,

10. Purify ourselves so that we will go directly to Heaven and skip Purgatory, or lessen our time in Purgatory,

11. Share in the pouring out of God's mercy, and

12. Enter more deeply into the mystery of God's love and His plan of salvation.

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