Thursday, March 15, 2007

Holy Souls Museum and the Church of the Suffering Souls

PurgatoryPicture courtesy of THIS SITE

My friend Mary of The Friends of the Poor Souls Blog has posted a very interesting article regarding a little museum located in a Church in Rome. The following are excerpts:

"In Rome, there is a church called the Church of the Suffering Souls...In this church there is a small museum called the Holy Souls Museum with relics, prayer books, clothing and table tops that were touched and scorched by the holy souls that were allowed to leave Purgatory and return to their family or fellow religious and beg them for Masses and prayers

Scorched fingerprints on prayer books, handprints burnt on wooden tables, and singed pillowcases and shirt sleeves seem to be the Purgatory equivalent of paper and pen.

...Catholics believe spirits, stuck between heaven and hell until they have atoned for their sins, can hasten their entry to paradise if family and friends on earth pray for them. And some Purgatory residents obviously felt their loved ones needed a gentle reminder".

CLICK HERE to read the entire article about souls who have left their mark to remind us to pray for the souls in purgatory.


  1. It's something else, isn't it?

  2. We are going to Rome this May.
    I will look to see if I can find this. Thanks for the heads-up.

  3. If you need more info. just contact Mary at her blog.
