Monday, July 11, 2011

Novena for Our Brothers and Sisters

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What a wonderful novena!!! I love my brothers and sisters so much. I just love the idea that we will be praying for each other this way.

Check out Calling All Witnesses' Novena to St. Benedict and St. Scholastica for ourselves and for our siblings.

The Novena Prayer

Dear Saints Benedict and Scholastica,

As siblings you encouraged each other to grow in faith and love of God;

As saints, you encourage the world to do the same.

We turn to your knowledge of the struggles as siblings, from different perspectives and desires, to time and distance spent apart.

Despite the struggles, you also experienced the fruits of friendship, love, and support.

We humbly pray for your intercession, for ourselves and our siblings. Open our hearts to the Lord; guide us on the path to holiness; and bind us together, so that one day we will greet you in heaven with our siblings by our side.

Our Father–Hail Mary–Glory Be


  1. Amen. Needed to read/pray this today. Thanks for sharing.

  2. YW Melissa! Most of my siblings and our mom are joining in.
