Friday, January 29, 2010

The Five Sorrowful Mysteries Reflection and Pictures

The following pictures and reflections are share in the hopes it will help in your meditation when praying the Holy Rosary. You can click the picture if you wish to enlarge it.

The Agony in the Garden by Carl Bloch

Jesus prays in the Garden of Olives. The though of His coming sufferings and our sins causes Him to sweat blood.

Resolution: My Jesus, I will pray with all my heart.

The Scourging at the Pillar by Antonio M. Ruiz

Our Lord Jesus Christ is stripped, bound to a pillar, and cruelly scourged until His innocent Body is covered with wounds and blood.

Resolution: My Jesus, I will keep my body pure.

The Crowning With Thorns on Jesus' Head by Annibale Carracci

A crown of thorns is pressed into the head of Jesus. His eyes are filled with tears and blood. His executioners mock and spit upon Him.

Resolution: My Jesus, I will banish unclean thoughts.

The Carrying of the Cross by Hieronymus Bosch

Weighed down by the cross, Jesus patiently walks the road to Calvary. Mary makes the stations of the cross with her dying Son.

Resolution: My Jesus, I will bear my cross patiently.

The Crucifixion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ by Salvador Dali

Fastened to the cross by nails, Jesus, after three hours of agony, dies in the presence of His Mother.

Resolution: I accept the death God has prepared for me and all the pains that may accompany it.

- Text from The Rosary Crusade

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