Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Five Joyful Mysteries Pictures and Reflections

The Annunciation by Francesco Albani

The Angel Gabriel announces to the Virgin Mary that God wishes her to become the Mother of His Son. Mary obeys with humility and joy.

Resolution: I will be humble and courteous toward all.

The Visitation by Dieric the Elder Bouts

Mary visits St. Elizabeth , who is to be the mother of St. John the Baptist. She remains and assists Elizabeth lovingly for three months.

Resolution: I will help my neighbor in need.

The Nativity by Lorenzo Lotto

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is born in a stable. His Mother places Him in a manger. He is visited by the Shepherds and Wise Men.

Resolution: Christ become Man; I will become Christlike.

The Presentation by Fra Angelico

In obedience to the law of Moses, Mary and Joseph take the infant Jesus to the Temple of Jerusalem to present Him to His Heavenly Father.

Resolution: I will obey the Laws of God and His Church as Jesus, Mary and Joseph did.

The Finding of Jesus in the Temple by Max Liebermann

Having lost Jesus, Mary and Joseph seek Him. After three days they find Him in the Temple talking with the learned men.

Resolution: I will fulfill my daily duties.

Text from The Rosary Crusade.


  1. Aloha Esther
    Your Rosary meditations are lovely. They are short but meaningful, especially followed by the Resolutions.

    Where do you get your beautiful pictures? Are they royalty free? I've looked for graphics to use on different posts, but they are watermarked if free. Are you able to divulge your source or do you have any suggestions where I should look?

    Your blog, as always is a rich source of inspiration, news and the Truths of our Faith.

  2. Maryellen, I get the graphics from a variety of places. I usually start by doing a Google search for a particular word. If I find one picture among many in on a site, I bookmark. What are you looking for so I can help you look?
    I have also been taking lots of photos and using them.

  3. Thanks, Esther. I'll try the Google search for a word like you suggest.

    Thanks for posting on my blog that you replied here. I see that you often site the source of prayers and pictures. I think that's a great idea.

  4. Glad you found it Maryellen :-)
