Monday, December 01, 2008

Prayer Request for a Priest and His Seminarians in Nigeria

Lattas and Fr. Peter
Photo of Patrick Latta, Nancy Latta and Fr. Peter Kamai on the left,
courtesy of Ed Sousa

The following was shared by Ed on his blog and also via email. It is an email received from Fr. Peter regarding the situation in his homeland. Please pray for them and for the persecuted church around the world:
...Greetings from Jos and many thanks for the concern. Its really bad here! Over five hundred have been killed in what is now seemingly a religious riot. Our Seminary is under siege up to now. It seems their intention is to destroy it. Already the Monastery which is next to us has been touched; their library and other buildings have been destroyed. I really dont know what the moslems are up to but its really bad. At the moment we can not come out. They have barricaded the seminary and who knows what their next plan of action is?...

Here is a recent news report Riots 'kill hundreds in Nigeria'


  1. Thank You for posting this Esther and I also want to thank you and your readers for their prayers for Fr. Peter.

  2. As you say Esther, there are many in the persecuted church around the world who need our prayers. God bless them and give them the strength to persevere in faith and hope. I will keep Fr Peter in my prayers.

  3. We need to pray for them daily Ed. Thanks again for bringing that situation to our attention.

    V., thank you!
