Monday, December 01, 2008

Dying to Self in Marriage

Our Lady's Wedding

The following is a response to this interview in Zenit - Marriage Leads to Heaven.
I think it is very telling that the Church chose to honor the Martins based in their wedding anniversary. During my marriage preparation in the Catholic church, we learned that a proper, holy marriage requires 'dying to self' each day. On the day I was married to my wonderful husband, I was blessed to feel a physical change take place - it was beautiful. In essence, the old me had died, and the new me, this man's wife, was ready to take on the challenges of married love. Praise the Lord!

Louis and Marie-Zélie Guérin Martin, pray for us!

Tara Szymanski
During this Advent Season, I have been thinking of doing more to die to myself. But after reading the above statement, I think I will concentrate more of dying to myself in my marriage. Like most couples who have been married awhile, we start to take our spouse for granted. I often do nice things for others outside my family. But when is the last time I did something special for my husband?

One of my good friend's husband has been found to be terminally ill from cancer. I see her pain and her regrets because she doesn't thing she has been a very good wife to him.

I do not know how long my husband and I will be together here on earth. I have to remind myself that each minute that God permits us to live is a gift and we should be mindful of that time.

My husband is a very good man and he has his faults that irritate me as I'm sure I have LOTS of faults that irritate him. But if I truly love him, I need to overlook those little failings and consider the man God chose to be my husband, and love him more and more each day.


  1. In the Orthodox Church during the wedding ceremony, couples are crowned to remind themselves that marriage is a martyrdom.

    So true.

  2. This is really good, thanks for posting Esther:)

  3. How interesting Mimi!

    Thanks Tracy.

  4. This is such a good post and an important thing I wish I had known earlier. Not saying we are good at dying to self, but when we (my husband and I) do consciously strive for that the rewards are great.
