Tuesday, January 01, 2008

St. Elizabeth of Hungary

St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Today St. Elizabeth of Hungary officially takes over as my patron saint. So long for now St. Michael the Archangel. You have been a good patron saint for the year and I will miss you.

I am a little familiar with this saint because she was the patroness of my sister's old convent, The Franciscan Sisters of St. Elizabeth. But I want to learn more so it is my goal to read more about her and I will share it here.

The following is from The Book of Saints: A Dictionary of Persons Canonized or Beatified by the Catholic Church, complied by the Benedictine Monks of St. Augsutine's Abbey, Ramsgate, 1966, Nihil Obstat Francisuc M. Mildner, O.S.M. and Imprimatur Patritius Casey.
Elisabeth of Hungaray (St.) Queen, Tert. OFM. RM. Nov 19

Born at Presburg, the daughter of King Andrew II of Hungary and a niece of St. Hedwig. At the age of fourteen she was married to Louis IV, landgrave of Thuringia, and bore him three children. Hers was a very happy married life until 1227 when her husband went to the crusade and died at Otranto. She now became a Franciscan tertiary and devoted herself to the relief of the destitute, living a life of voluntary poverty until death at twenty-four.
She was canonized three years later (1235).

I am glad she is a Franciscan. I have a deep love for St. Francis and the Capuchins.


  1. my husband is devoted to Saint Francis, and Saint Padre Pio. one a franciscan, one a capuchin. wonderful saints! my patron for this year is Rita of Cascia, Saint Therese, and my own patron saint, Saint Philomena.
    all these saints are truly wonderful servants of God!
    every saint is:) Perhaps you could make a post about Saint Elizabeth of Hungary? i don't know anything about her. a little post about her would be neat:)

  2. St. Elizabeth is one of my favorite saints as a true model for how to live the married vocation. There is a sweet story about her that is a favorite of mine. I'll look it up and post it over at mine. God Bless!

  3. Even though she is Post-Schism, I think that she is a wonderful example of holiness. And, she was the ancestor and namesake of St. Elizabeth the New Martyr of Russia.

  4. When I was in sixth grade, preparing for Confirmation, I chose Elizabeth as my name in honor of my grandmother and aunt. And because it sounds good with the rest of my name.

    My teacher - the only one to do this at our parish - insisted that we write papers about our chosen patron saints. I didn't even know about Saint Elizabeth anyone, so I picked her out of my little Catholic Saints picture book and wrote a little about her. And this is her!

    My girls like reading about the saints, and we'll have a great time, I'm sure, learning about all our patron saints. Thanks, Esther, for helping with this.

  5. She's a amazing saint and one of my (many, many!) favorites. A wonderful model of how to live the married vocation, indeed. She's the patron saint of homeless people, so I always ask for her to pray for them, especially during the winter months. God bless! +

  6. I like your DH's choices DM. Yes, I will be posting on her.

    Thanks for the story Ex!

    Mimi, that is very interesting! Thanks for sharing that tidbit.

    That's wonderful Chris!!

    Thanks for commenting Lisa!
