Thursday, November 15, 2007

More on Detraction: Fr. John Hardon

Diane K of Te Deum Laudamus has more on the sin of detraction from another holy and wise priest, the late Fr. John Hardon:
The immediate focus of the Eighth Commandment is falsehood that does injury to one's neighbor. Harm to another person's reputation, therefore, is the special prohibition of this divine mandate.

A person's reputation may be injured in various ways, notably by detraction and calumny or slander. Detraction is the unjust violation of the good reputation of another by revealing something true about him. Calumny or slander differs from detraction in that what is said or imputed about a person is not true.
To read Fr. Hardon's writings regarding detraction in its entirety, please go to:

Fr. John Hardon on Detraction as well as the links that Diane provides on her blog.


  1. The beautiful thing about Fr. Hardon is that he is very thorough in his explanation without hurrying through. And, he speaks at a level that everyone can understand.

  2. Fr Hardon has some wonderful pieces, he reminds me of Fulton Sheen in his belief system. I love him. Is there any move to have this great son of the Church canonized? I hope so.

    Here is his site for your readers:).

    Peace to you Esther:)


  3. Oh I know Diane. He is so saintly!

    Yes, Marie, that is who he reminds me of too!
    Oh yes, that is a great site!
