Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hail Mary

I was going to post this on a Saturday but I couldn't wait. It is so beautiful

Thanks to Evangelizaton 2.0 and like Tom, it brings back lovely memories of my wedding day. My husband and I also chose this beautiful song as the processional for our nuptial Mass.


  1. Just wonderful, thank you for sharing!!!

  2. How very beautiful...Thankyou Esther:).

    It was thoughts on Our Lady that drew me out of the Lutheran Church...How can one ignore a woman so beautiful, so sublime, so exquisite and totally in love with God?

    I found I couldnt and so I went forth and followed my heart INTO the Catholic Church...Praise God! AMEN!

    Peace to you Esther:)


  3. You are both welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did.

    Marie, I think Luther always loved and respected the Blessed Mother if I am not mistaken.

    I am so glad you came home to the Catholic Church!

    God bless,
