Friday, February 22, 2013

Teenage Venerable Proposed as Model for Lent

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Shared by Brother John Samaha

Blog Offers Daily Quote From Faustino Pérez-Manglano
ROME, February 19, 2013 ( - In this Lent just now beginning, the Society of Mary (Marianists) are presenting the figure of the Venerable Faustino Pérez-Manglano Magro, a young Spaniard who died in 1963. He was a student at the Colegio Nuestra Señora del Pilar in Valencia and can be presented as a model of holiness for youth.
The principal means for this project will be a new blog dedicated to Faustino (in four languages), opened for this occasion and remaining active even beyond the celebrations. Each day of Lent a passage from the Gospel of the day, a quotation from Faustino and a meditation by Father José María Salaverri are offered, along with an image adapted to a teenage public.
The participants will be able to publish their reactions on the blog or on the Facebook social network and dialog among themselves. They can also follow with Twitter.
The Society of Mary hopes that this initiative will contribute to the evangelization of today’s young people and to making better known this gift that God has made to the Marianist Family and to the Church in the person of Venerable Faustino.
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