Thursday, February 28, 2013

Special Prayer for Pope Benedict XVI

The Cardinal Newman Society's chaplain prepared the following prayer for Pope Benedict XVI. We are thankful for the Pope's ministry and ask God that he may be blessed in retirement. We encourage all Cardinal Newman Society members and others to join us in praying for Pope Benedict XVI.

Almighty God and Father,
Who have revealed Yourself through Your Eternal Word,
and have blessed Your Church with Pope Benedict XVI,
our teacher in both faith and reason;
receive our prayers of thanksgiving
for his witness to the beauty of truth,
for his example of hopefulness,
for his humble service of Christ's Bride.

As he blessed our apostolate in his care for the Church's teaching office, so now may he receive the benefit of our prayers.

Grant him, in his time of retirement, the reward of study and prayer as he continues to seek, find, and love you in truth.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

(Read reflections from presidents of faithful Catholic colleges on Pope Benedict XVI's legacy.) Catholic Education Daily is an online publication of The Cardinal Newman Society. Click here for email updates and free online membership with The Cardinal Newman Society. - See more here

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