Saturday, November 03, 2012

San Martin de Porres

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This very humble Dominican lay brother has become well-loved not only in his native Peru, wh ere he is referred to as "Fray Martin" or Brother Martin,  but all over the world.  It is his virtues of humility, obedience, gentleness and compassion that won the hearts of those in his own order. Let us try to imitate San Martincito's virtues and use his exemplary life as a model for our own lives.

Martín de Porres,
seguidor fiel de Jesucristo,
haz que nos esforcemos en imitar tus ejemplos de unión con Dios por la oración,
de amor universal y de entrega sacrificada y gozosa al servicio de los necesitados,
especialmente de los que más sufren física o moralmente.
Confiamos en tu bondad y sensibilidad por los necesitados y te pedimos,
querido hermano nuestro, que presentes a tu amigo Jesucristo
nuestra petición de auxilio en nuestras necesidades.
Así sea.

Martin de Porres,
faithful follower of Jesus Christ,
let us strive to imitate your examples of union with God through prayer
of universal love and offer sacrifice and joyful service of those in need,
especially those who greatly suffer physically or morally.
We rely on your kindness and sensitivity for the needy and we ask
dear brother, that you present to your friend Jesus Christ
our petition of help in our needs.
 So be it.

"...Martin's charity toward the poor and homeless was legendary.  He cared for the sick and injured wherever he found them.  He had a special ministry to African slaves.  But he treated sick animals with the same devotion he extended to humans.  Innumerable legends describe his service and communion with creatures of every kind..."

'He was a man of great charity...who also assisted in the larger duty of spreading the Great Love of the world.'

- a contemporary witness"

Source:  Give us This Day

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