Monday, November 05, 2012

Photos from Saint Marianne's Day Celebration

In honor of Hawaii's newly canonized saint, the diocese of Honolulu and friends joined in together for a Mass of Thanksgiving, procession of her relic to Iolani Palace, followed by an inter-faith civic celebration, veneration of the relic back at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace.  I was pleasantly surprised to see Bishop Salvatore J. Cordileone of San Francisco.  (I actually got close enough to mouth "Hello Bishop!  Welcome!  He smiled as if pleased that he was recognized.)

The following is from our dear Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI:

Plenary Indulgence for Celebrations Honoring St. Marianne Cope

"By decree of His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, through he Apostolic Penitentiary, a Plenary Indulgence is granted to any of the faithful who take part in any celebration honoring the Sainthood of Mother Marianne Cope, especially the veneration of her holy relic, anytime during the Year of Faith (Oct. 11, 2012 - November 24, 2012).  The conditions that must be fulfilled:  sacramental confession  reception of Holy Communion, and prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father  with the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, and the invocation, 'St. Marianne Cope, pray for us.'  The plenary Indulgence may be applied to oneself or to a faithful soul in Purgatory.

Those believers, who, due to old age, sickness, or for any other serious reason, are incapacitated, will be able to obtain the plenary indulgence, if, abhorring any type of sin and with the intention to fulfill, as soon as possible  the three usual conditions  they are spiritually close to the celebrations in honor St. Marianne Cope, through their own prayers and sufferings, or with the difficulties of their own life offered by them to the mercy of God."
Waiting for the Procession to Iolani Palace
Faithful waiting for the relic's procession

Bishop Silva being greeted by the faithful 

Our dear bishop looking content

Bishop Cordileone

The Knights of Columbus escorting St. Marianne Cope's holy relic

Visiting bishops processing with St. Marianne Cope's relic

Arrival at the gate of Iolani Palace - Oli Kahea and Oli Komo (Hawaiian
tradition - Seek Permission to enter the grounds of Iolani Palace - Chanted

The Royal Societies including the Royal Order of Kamehameha I welcoming the Holy relic at its arrival

Mamo Hawaii Les Correa of teh Royal Order of Kamehameha I
carrying the Reliquary to the grounds of Iolani Palace

The bishops' arrival at the Pavillion

A prayer of welcome by Bishop Larry Silva

A very joyful Knight of Columbus

Iolani Palace

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