Thursday, September 13, 2012

To Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament

Picture source

Virgin Immaculate,
Mother of Jesus and Our Mother,
We invoke you under the title of
Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament,
because you are the mother of the savior who lives 
in the Eucharist.
It was from you He took the Flesh and Blood
which He feeds us in the sacred Host.

We also invoke you under that title
because the grace of the Eucharist
comes to us through you, 
since you are the mediatrix, the channel through which God's Graces reach us.

Our Lady of the Most blessed Sacrament,
Pray for us!


O Jesus, our Lord and our God,
creator and ruler of the vast universe,
we lovingly adore You  hidden so humbly
in the fragile little Host we rejoice
that the Blessed Sacrament is not
merely a holy thing, but a 
Living Person - the same Christ who died for us
on Calvary but who loved us so much that He wanted to remain with us forever.

May the Most Blessed Sacrament be praised and adored forever.

We offer this prayer in reparation for all the irreverences, profanations, and sacrileges which You receive in the Most August Sacrament of the Altar.

- from a holy card.


  1. Hi there,
    I'm the original artist of this painting and am wondering how you came across this. To my knowledge it's only posted on one website (deviantart) as an official image, on my account.
    I have no problem with you using this; am just curious.
    Thanks for including it in such a beautiful post. :)

  2. Hi April: You painted a beautiful image! I clicked on the picture source where I originally found it but the page is no longer up. I do not remember where I got it. Thank you.

  3. Sister Mary9:48 AM

    Dear April,
    We just used your exquisite rendition of Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament which we got from this page "A Catholic Mom.....". We used it for a sister who just professed her solemn vows and whose title is "of the Most Blessed Sacrament." Many have asked who the artist is. Hopefully you see this post and will answer. If not, we will at least pray for you and all your holy intentions.
    Christ's peace be with you!
    ~ Sister Mary
