Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Holy Name of Mary

Our Lady of Fatima, Adoration Chapel, Blue Army, Washington, NJ

"The holy name of Mary has always been so highly honored in the Church, that, according to Surius, St. Gerard  Bishop of Pannonia, ordered the people of his diocese to prostrate themselves on the ground at the mention of her holy name.  Blosious reports that in his time it was the universal custom in the Church that, whenever the holy name of Mary was pronounced, everyone knelt, and all the faithful prayed, sighed and wept with most extraordinary devotion and fervor.  This devotion is not dead, because the feast of the Holy Name of Mary is celebrated in number of churches, especially in the Order of the Redemption of Captives, where the office of her holy name is recited on all Saturdays not assigned to an office of nine lessons.  If the venerable name of Mary be worthy of such great veneration, what honor should we not render to her Admirable Heart?"
St. John Eudes' The Admirable Heart of Mary

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